
There are five kids in Jo's family, they do have their specific personalities which their parents love so much. Jo always says, "Our house is never in silent as the five kids get together all the time. However, the house will not be Jo's if we lose any of them". It is a very graceful honour to me to introduce these five kids to all of you. Do you like one or more of them? I think I've been into some of them already.


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When abundant vetiver is malaxated together with some strong patchuli into a perfume, I am curious about if it is a kind of trick played by the perfumer Oliver. Did he want to have a spectacular try in his creation? If yes, I am personally allegiant to his talent. From 2017 Fall, this perfume has already astonished lots of people around the world.


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在倫敦哈洛德百貨六樓的ROJA DOVE真的讓人好難靠近,尤其是動輒一罐30ml香水就要快400英鎊的高價位,就是讓我經過了也鼓不起那勇氣去嘗試。然而,人就是這樣,好奇心驅使,偶然之下有了朋友分給我的1ml香水,就這樣我掉進了ROJA DOVE的祕密花園了!

In Harrods, there are some brands hard to be touched such as ROJA DOVE. Their 30ml perfumes always cost 400 sterlings to consumers so I did not have the brave to have try. However, I was also lucky to have a chance to smell the scent from one of ROJA DOVE with my friend. Of course, I fell into the secret garden of this pricy perfume.


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It is usually a bit gloomy in autumn, and even hard to predict the climate. The sky is roaring, and rain falls on the small farm next to Minako's room. The wind is not rigid but blending with fresh bergamot fragrance in the air. The flow of this scent is familiar to Minako which preserves her childhood so perfect. She opens the window, an old woman with raincoat is walking back home with some hot rice sticks which is famous in Akita, Japan. She is Mrs. Sato, who likes to chat with Minako's mom for more than two decades. There is also a white cat trying to cleaning her hairs under the roof while the rainwater has wetted her in this unexpected morning rain. Although the morning is quite gloomy, the silence in this wonder small countryside contrarily gives Minako a lovely enjoyable moment after her busy and wary life in Tokyo. The fragrance of Floraiku In the Rain opens the window to Minako. The bergamot oil is different from the light and fresh style in other brands. Floraiku uses a certain of low frofile and stable manner to perform bergamot, meantime the wetness therein reflects another side of citrus scent. Sometimes, it is confusing in its conflict performance but surprisingly provides a kind of cure to our minds. Floraiku does not intend to use too many chemical ingredients for their perfumes but extract more natural gragrances for all consumers. It is same as Minako, she rejects to be trapped in fake dreams.  


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The sky was quite dark this morning, and the temperature dropped down so dramatically. The humidity in the air also made me much more sensitive than usual. I opened the cafe door and ordered a cup of latte with double shots which is your favorite. Afterward, I found a seat in the corner where allocated to the French window. I started to miss you and assumed it should be a snowy season over there. Seeing those people passing by the cafe, I fell into the scents of 100bon Cedre & Neroli that leads me to the commitment in relationship.  


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詩人Christopher Poindexter曾這麼寫著詩「當我不在妳身邊時,兩人相隔的距離便是我唯一感到惱人的事;每當窗外的那道完美陽光,灑進我的房間時,妳的倩影總是這樣繽紛,而那咖啡的香味就像妳一般朝我襲來。我好想妳,即使妳就在我身邊;我總是夢到妳,即使妳就正在我臂膀裡沉睡著。那些我說著愛妳的言語,都無法完全表達我的心意,我想,該是我們要一起創造新詞來表達我們彼此的愛了。」這樣的濃烈愛意,是每個熱戀中的男女心中的感受,總是無法完全表達心裡對彼此的那種熾熱,如果可以,或許一個新詞,或是一種香氣,可以來讓熱戀的他們,更加溫也更為甜蜜。

The poet Christopher Poindexter once said, "Whenever I am away from you, the distance between us a burdensome thing, I always think of you in colours, the smell of coffee as you so proudly make it for me, the perfect sunlight spilling in through the window. I miss you even when you are beside me. I dream of your body even when you are sleeping in my arms. The words I love you could never enough. I suppose we'll have to invent new ones." It is the exact inner feelings of those couples who just fall in relationship. The passion to each other is always unable to be described in words. If available, a new word or new fragrance may resolve this problem and add more sweets to these new lovebirds.


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這真的是個意外,過去曾在倫敦哈洛德百貨中找尋特別的香氣,但再怎樣也沒有特別注意過到Clive Christian這個牌子;直到前些日子,我那南非的英國律師再次因為工作之緣,我們再次可以見面時候,他身上的那股特別的沉穩男香,不得不讓我特地問他香水品牌和名字,還好有問,也因為得知了他使用Clive Christian的Private C系列中的 C Woody Leather後,我便豪不客氣地跟他借來聞香,更認識了這個品牌,也希望和大家分享這個讓我覺得藝術感極高的好味道。

Honestly sometimes the unexpect encounter is the utmost surprise in our lives. I had ever tried to find out the unique fragrance in Harrod's London for several times but all failed. Even I did not pay any attention to the brand, Clive Christian until I met up with my old friend from London. When he came to Asia for some legal cases, we had a wonderful dinner and the perfume he wore totally attracted my attention so much. How dare I was that a straight question to him about the scent especially he is a traditional English life style lawyer. At the same time, I thank for myself about the straight question. I got the answer that he used C Woody Leather of Private C series in Clive Christian, and the further discovery of this perfume from him surprised me so much. Today, I want to take this chance to share this beautiful scent to you all.  


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1799年2月25日 倫敦 西敏寺大教堂

Westminister Abby, London on 25 February, 1799


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22 January, 1799


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1799年1月17日 倫敦泰唔士河畔

Thames River Bank, London, 17 January 1799


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