
這真的是個意外,過去曾在倫敦哈洛德百貨中找尋特別的香氣,但再怎樣也沒有特別注意過到Clive Christian這個牌子;直到前些日子,我那南非的英國律師再次因為工作之緣,我們再次可以見面時候,他身上的那股特別的沉穩男香,不得不讓我特地問他香水品牌和名字,還好有問,也因為得知了他使用Clive Christian的Private C系列中的 C Woody Leather後,我便豪不客氣地跟他借來聞香,更認識了這個品牌,也希望和大家分享這個讓我覺得藝術感極高的好味道。

Honestly sometimes the unexpect encounter is the utmost surprise in our lives. I had ever tried to find out the unique fragrance in Harrod's London for several times but all failed. Even I did not pay any attention to the brand, Clive Christian until I met up with my old friend from London. When he came to Asia for some legal cases, we had a wonderful dinner and the perfume he wore totally attracted my attention so much. How dare I was that a straight question to him about the scent especially he is a traditional English life style lawyer. At the same time, I thank for myself about the straight question. I got the answer that he used C Woody Leather of Private C series in Clive Christian, and the further discovery of this perfume from him surprised me so much. Today, I want to take this chance to share this beautiful scent to you all.  

Clive用他的名字C、L、I、V、E各出兩罐香水,分別代表男香與女香,這系列共十罐,其中C的男香便是今天的主角Woody Leather,調香師本身自己是出生自英國蘇格蘭西北部,面北海與大西洋的小鎮,他以自己身為蘇格蘭人感到開心與驕傲,去過蘇格蘭高地的人,也或是你曾看過007詹姆士龐德中M夫人最後身亡的那地方,就知道蘇格蘭高地的蒼涼之美,他便是將那多變陰雨不斷的天氣,用大膽的手法,呈現高地的冷冽與湖泊風光,以他在Private C這個系列中,他堅持每個作品都必須用到20%的香精比例,呈現他要的意象 (香水持香度據說都有將近10小時唷!使用時請斟酌),當然在他其他像是1872、No.1、抑或是Noble系列的產品,都各有不同的特色,我今天就針對Private C的C Woody Leather做分享,如果你喜歡這樣的味道與表現,或許有機會當你旅行到英國,或是身旁有人到英國時,別忘了體驗他一下唷!

In Private C series, Clive used the 5 alphabets of his first name, "C, L, I, V, E" to create ten different perfumes for masculine and feminine pairs respectively. Hereby I would like to share the beautiful masculine C Woody Leather to you all. The perfumer Clive was born in northwestern Scotland where faces North Sea and Atlantic Ocean. He is quite proud of being a Scotish and would like to introduce all Scotish sceneries and cultures into his perfumes. If you have ever been to Highland of Scotland or seen the movie 007, the marvellous landscape is always the spotlight we put on. Clive then took the characteristics of rugged coastal landscape and unstable climates into his different masterpieces. He is very modern and bold to try differents methods to show up the unique Scotish style. In his Private C series, he insists in applying 20% of concentrates into his perfume (so the scent longevity is said to be more than 10 hours). Even in his other series like, 1872, No.1 or Nobles, the characteristics are all different. At any rate, I will focus on this C Woody Leather to share what it shows to me. When you have chances to travel in UK or someone may take one for you. NEVER miss it.  


From the top note of this elegant perfume, I was fully attracted and caught by the specific woody citrus scent. It doesn't come to you by a very vivid or bright dancing gesture to catch you but go by a low profile artist manner. The thick woody scent which is oud alike strongly wraps the citrus elements in the beginning. The perfumer shows his unique personality and charateristics by the strange way but surprisingly marvelous. Even the longevity of top note scent is much better than my expectation. It indeed made me suspect what kind of surprise or shock I would get in the following performance. Suddenly, the saffron came up so sharply and then ran over the citrus scents by its warm and bright male gentleness. The saffron can push up the oud scent and guide out the tobbacco beauty to compose a leather image to me. The special leather with mature tobacco scent is like a mature man walking on a small lane in Scotland highland with a lambswool coat under the winter warm sunshine.   

雖然這支香水具備了許多東方元素在裡面,但卻也仍有不少英式的經典表現在其中,調香師很巧妙地僅用東方元素來結合組成香氣,但卻完整呈現英倫紳仕的特色,尤其是在菸草香凌駕於烏木的沉穩時,整支woody leather的味道幾乎已經到了最高境界,東方的神祕元素依舊存在,同時也帶出英國老紳士的氣質,他正叼著菸斗,似乎正在沉思著甚麼,也或許正惦念著那個美人。只是這英式風格的木質皮革香,完全不同於美式的熱情如火,反倒是相對地內斂嚴肅,這種低調表現,正如同這支香水中各種沉深香味的結合,精準完整地凸顯了英國紳士的溫柔,那不是甜言蜜語,更不是花俏裝扮的表現;而是偉岸如山,且沉默寡言的魅力,但這都不失浪漫,甚至是毫不保留地讓對方知道那守護在旁的氣勢,你可以告訴我,哪個美人能不倒?天啊!這該死的霸氣魅力,連男人都擋不了。

Although there are many orietal elements used in this fragrance, a lot of classic features of British cultures are still contained therein. The perfumer is not only able to combine a plenty of orietal ingredients into the harmonized scent but also maintain the wonderful British gentleman charateristics. Even when the tobacco jumped up to the main stage, the woody leather show came to the high tide point. It is like a British gentleman with a traditional pipe. He may be thinking about something or miss that beauty in his heart. However, this kind of British style is totally different from passionate American love. It is very self-effacing without humour. The perfumer tried to use all kinds of strong oriental woody elements to show up the classic British gentleman love, they are not using sweet words or colourful make-up but stay in firm. This kind of silent charm is much more attractive since you will straightly know what kind of protection you will get from this man. OMG, it is much more romantic right? 


認真說,好想說這支香水讓我想到現在的英國哈利王子,當他年紀還無法理解大人世界時候,他被迫接受了母親黛安娜王妃的死去,而在他叛逆時期,充斥著因上酒吧而被媒體攻擊的負面新聞圍繞,甚至曾有錯穿納粹軍服而被輿論壓垮的那段日子。這些種種讓他學會了接受。道歉,甚至重新再來!當他有了過去這些故事,進而將經歷幻化成自己成長的養分之後,他在對的時間遇到了那個女人,梅根,但他們的婚姻卻也需要打破傳統的英國皇室規定,準王妃的新聞又再次不斷往哈利的身上壓來,但因他曾經歷了那些故事,那份成熟感,是簡單又樸實的穩重,不帶一絲花俏的直接霸氣,就這樣擄獲了美人的心,更贏得英國民心,那專屬他的英式哈利魅力,一點也不輸給哥哥威廉王子。這和C Woody Leather那股由特別東方元素帶出的英式風格,獨特迷人,且藝術性幾乎是高到嚇死我,

Frankly speaking, this beautiful perfume makes me think about Prince Harry in Royal Family. When he was just a little boy, he had no choice but to learn how to accept the death of his mother. In his youngster ages, he was once accused by his scandles and even the attacked by the nazi uniform news. All these negative news and power indeed devastated him. He started to learn how to accept, apologize and even rebuild his life. When he gained these life lessons, he transformed those attacks into nutritions for his matuality. Then he met his Ms. Right at the right time. However, another attack comes again while their marriage was totally out of the traditional Royal Marriage Rules. All kinds of paparazzi pressures came to Prince Harry. Surprisingly, his masculine hegemony and attraction conquered his Ms. Right and won all British people's hearts. This is the unique Harry's attraction. It is like the beautiful performance of C Woody Leather. The magic power therefrom is extraordinarily overwhelming to me.


或許,Clive Christian的價位的確不是那麼容易讓人入手,讓人可以毫不猶豫地把它帶回家,但退言之,若這個味道是這樣迷人到令人久久不能忘懷,就算不能說它是本命香,但它給你的感動與幸福絕對可以是永恆的,謝謝Clive Christian帶了感受了一段既有東方風格,卻有經典英式魅力的表現,也感謝C Woody Leather非凡的層次,使我可以重新看看自己,也修整自己,唯有當自己是在最佳狀態,那罐經典的香氣,才能表現出經典中的傳奇,讓人雋永不熄。


Possibly, it is not so simple to persuade yourself having one of Clive Christian perfumes back home. Yet, if there is a specific scent may leave in your mind all the time, it is undoubtable that the memories brought by the scent are eternal. I appreciate Clive Christian to create a window for me to explore the classic British attraction by orietal performance and also thank for C Woody Leather to helpe me to review and reshape myself. Only at the time are we ready, the classic scent from the unique fragrance may bring you legend and unforgettable signet in your life.


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