在倫敦哈洛德百貨六樓的ROJA DOVE真的讓人好難靠近,尤其是動輒一罐30ml香水就要快400英鎊的高價位,就是讓我經過了也鼓不起那勇氣去嘗試。然而,人就是這樣,好奇心驅使,偶然之下有了朋友分給我的1ml香水,就這樣我掉進了ROJA DOVE的祕密花園了!
In Harrods, there are some brands hard to be touched such as ROJA DOVE. Their 30ml perfumes always cost 400 sterlings to consumers so I did not have the brave to have try. However, I was also lucky to have a chance to smell the scent from one of ROJA DOVE with my friend. Of course, I fell into the secret garden of this pricy perfume.