目前分類:Clive Christian (2)

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出生在蘇格蘭北方小鎮的Clive Christian,從小看著那片時常蒙著霧氣的北海,還有情有獨鍾的東方文化,長大後,他依舊喜歡這種獨特衝突卻又協調的特質,因此於倫敦都會的設計師生活中,從歌劇、藝術博物館、美術館,和那些愜意的都會公園,每個獨立卻又協調的各種特色,形成了多樣性的倫敦都會;因此,他突然發現,他也要創作一種同時有衝突,但又協調的香氣,代表著倫敦,更代表著他心中那個藝術靈魂。

Being born in a small town of northern Scotland, Clive Christian liked to gaze the foggy Northern Sea in his choldhood. At the same time, he enjoyed and appreicated the oriental cultures so much. He was still enthusiastic to this kind of conflict which was however homonic after moving to London metropolitan. When he was a designer in London, the theatres, art museums, galleries and those peaceful parks are unique features to cause the sensation to Clive. Therefore, he tried to make a special scent like London City, containing all kinds of conflicts but the homonic feeling will come up simultaneously. This scent is representing London and Clive's artist soul which must touch your heart.


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這真的是個意外,過去曾在倫敦哈洛德百貨中找尋特別的香氣,但再怎樣也沒有特別注意過到Clive Christian這個牌子;直到前些日子,我那南非的英國律師再次因為工作之緣,我們再次可以見面時候,他身上的那股特別的沉穩男香,不得不讓我特地問他香水品牌和名字,還好有問,也因為得知了他使用Clive Christian的Private C系列中的 C Woody Leather後,我便豪不客氣地跟他借來聞香,更認識了這個品牌,也希望和大家分享這個讓我覺得藝術感極高的好味道。

Honestly sometimes the unexpect encounter is the utmost surprise in our lives. I had ever tried to find out the unique fragrance in Harrod's London for several times but all failed. Even I did not pay any attention to the brand, Clive Christian until I met up with my old friend from London. When he came to Asia for some legal cases, we had a wonderful dinner and the perfume he wore totally attracted my attention so much. How dare I was that a straight question to him about the scent especially he is a traditional English life style lawyer. At the same time, I thank for myself about the straight question. I got the answer that he used C Woody Leather of Private C series in Clive Christian, and the further discovery of this perfume from him surprised me so much. Today, I want to take this chance to share this beautiful scent to you all.  


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