
在倫敦哈洛德百貨六樓的ROJA DOVE真的讓人好難靠近,尤其是動輒一罐30ml香水就要快400英鎊的高價位,就是讓我經過了也鼓不起那勇氣去嘗試。然而,人就是這樣,好奇心驅使,偶然之下有了朋友分給我的1ml香水,就這樣我掉進了ROJA DOVE的祕密花園了!

In Harrods, there are some brands hard to be touched such as ROJA DOVE. Their 30ml perfumes always cost 400 sterlings to consumers so I did not have the brave to have try. However, I was also lucky to have a chance to smell the scent from one of ROJA DOVE with my friend. Of course, I fell into the secret garden of this pricy perfume.


在Roja Dove Musk Aoud (麝香烏木)的開端,就已經給我很大的驚喜,那有點甜的佛手柑與檸檬,是濃濃地浸在濁濁的麝香木質香氣中,很像是雞尾酒裡面的萊姆一樣,點亮厚重酒香的甜,也同時把清香的柑橘類香氣轉變成為較為成熟帶有厚度的表現。就像是當我們進入青春期時候,總不喜歡大人還把我們當小孩看,而是已經夠成熟的去面對生活,尤其是躍躍欲試的愛情這個課題,偏偏在大人眼中,青少年每一個反應與動作,都好似幼稚的雛鳥學飛一般,可愛又可笑!但真的幼稚嗎?也不是那般單蠢,反而不時來點超齡的成熟反應,那驚艷程度堪稱絕響。麝香烏木就是這樣,青少年的青澀藉由佛手柑與檸檬代表青春,急於長大和想被認同的心,則用濃厚的伽羅木與帶點濁的魅力麝香來表現,融合起來,就是那種清純中帶有超齡,而成熟中又看得出清純的魅力。

Roja Dove Musk Aoud eventually opens a special door to me when I meet up the top note of this perfume. The scents of sweet bergamot and lemon are totally different from other perfumes since they comes from the musk mellow strongly. It is very likely a kind of cocktail with lemonaid. We enjoy the thick whisky but the fresh lemonaid is always compulsory. The citrus scent wrapped by the heavy scents is same as our youngster lives. We disliked others saying we are still kids but mature adults. Contrarily, we were indeed not fully confident to face up to all problems at that time. We just wanted to try everything. Were we really childish without enough capabilities? Not at all. Sometimes we were really massive and great, weren't we? I like to say the bergamot and lemon of Musk Aoud are our youngster memories while it was not really young but never super mature. The combination of fresh citrus scent with woody agarwood would attract our attention and even further make us admire so much.



It may be the pheromone to affect our emotion. When we started to learn how to express our emotion, we expected the chances for practice. It was that super handsome guy or the pretty cute girl. No matter who you met at the first time, we all intended to get closer to him/her while our heart beats pushed us and even blushed us. In the memories, we indeed had some curiosities with some impulse to opposite genders. The perfumer added some floral sexy scents into Musk Aoud to shine up the attraction. The rose is not light anymore but flirting because of musk and agarwood charms. Exactly, it should be pheromone. It seduces us to explore the sex but never confuses us. We once loved the boy/girl, like the rose in the Musk Aoud. We were attracted by the first love as like meeting up the rose in the strong woody scent. The purpose of the rose was not to trap you into sex but to help you explore the beauty of sexiness. This power comes so soon while you are still thinking about the aforementioned combination with bergamont and lemon. The heart note is not mild at all. However, don't be so panic because you must enjoy in the charm of Musk Aoud just like those days you fell into love with your first love. 


人的成長總是會帶些痕跡,麝香烏木巧的是,當上述的味道走著走著,來了一股深邃的皮革香時,似乎在那嬉皮的閃耀光芒中,灌注了一股沉穩的力量,那油亮的皮革,打在閃爍的麝香烏木上,並不是讓它顯得更輕浮,而是讓整個香氣表現到親膚、輕柔,甚至多了一點成熟美!或許是初戀的痛讓人學會了很多,也可能是暗戀告白被拒絕後的力爭上游,但總是有那一瞬間,因為某句話,或是某首歌,甚至是個風景,我們依舊會想起那迷人的第一次,沒有依戀,也別無所求,就是對於它,會感到一點溫暖與感激,因為成就自己今天的成熟,那段特別的第一段,給了很大的催化劑!麝香烏木那皮革給的溫暖與沉穩,其實依舊伴著那迷人的麝香味,只是木質香氣中少了那最一開始的檸檬與後來的玫瑰,這樣的變化,讓表現更融入了我自己,不再是我努力在駕馭著這罐香水,而是它成了我的一部份,或許這是ROJA DOVE讓人驚豔的一種震撼彈,但卻絢爛得讓人難以忘懷!我喜歡這種費洛蒙的犯罪誘惑,更愛它後來的貼膚沉穩,天啊!美呆的...

People will grow up and Musk Aoud also brings us some growth. The leather is the key man to let the scent grow up. Maybe the top and heart notes are a bit hippy to you. The leather is shinny but contrarily adds maturality into the base note. You will not find the scent being frivolous or trifling without respect. It brings up some light and steady power to users. We grow up from the failures of loving a wrong person or being rejected by a fascinated guy/girl. Although we have gone through the pain, sometimes the memories still come up to us due to a sentence, or a song or even the scenery we saw. As the first love is never forgettable to all of us, we appreciate and keep it well in our deep hearts. We never want to go back those days but those crazy memories shape us. In the base note of Musk Aoud, I find the scent is changed to the best actor to me even I have tried my best to fit to the special scents in the top and heart notes. Now, it is the most beautiful moment while ROJA DOVE Musk Aoud has been part of me rather than a scent from a specific perfume.


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