1799年1月17日 倫敦泰唔士河畔
Thames River Bank, London, 17 January 1799
今年的冬天特別冷冽,雪也下得特別深,河畔的木棧道與在旁的公園綠地,早已被冬雪給覆蓋成雪白世界,寒風刺骨地吹在我臉龐,河畔三兩孩童相互嬉戲的天真笑聲與一對老夫婦的絮語,伴隨著冬風陣陣傳到我耳邊,那似乎是幅美麗的倫敦冬景畫;但我的內心是複雜的,像極了Jo Malone 154香水的前味一樣,複雜濃烈,辛辣暖木風格的表現,像是那群熱情活力的孩童們,鏗鏘有力的大笑聲,沈穩木質香氣,就像那對令人欽羨的老夫婦,倚靠在河畔的木欄杆上,用彼此溫暖的雙手,溫柔暖暖地包覆在對方的心上;遠方吹來的那陣冬風,瞬間化作那一抹清新迷人的柑橘香,配著那溫暖柔和的肉豆蔻迷魅,便顯而立體且跳躍,寒意也就在這香味中,消失無影無蹤,這樣的美,真的好想和妳一起感受,一同分享。只是那無奈的婚姻安排,像是一把刀狠狠刺在我心,令人難耐!
It is extremely cold in this winter, the snow has already covered all greens in the park as well as the woody footway along River Thames. I walk on the footway but the snowy winter cruelly blows icy wind to my face with laughing from those snow playing children in the park and the unrestrained chatting of an old couple on the bench. It is a beautiful painting showing in front of my eyes. However, I cannot fully joyful therein because of the complicated mood recently which is same as the top note of Jo Malone 154. It is very poignant and straight. From the aggressive spicy and woody scents, I find them as the energetic children in the playground who can laugh out loudly without scruple but the couple's considerable warmness delivered to each other. Meantime, the fresh citrus scent comes along the spicy performance (like nutmeg) so that the scent becomes so vivid and dynamic. I really want to share such a beauty with you. Yes, when I think of the obstacle between us, my heart was torn off.
我帶著剛剛那股迷人的活潑自然的木質香氣走在河畔的石板路上,遠方那長椅上,坐著兩位身著羊毛大衣的紳士,看見我後便起身向我走來,一位是當今上議院的新政治力量蘭斯公爵,另一位是他摯友亞瑟伯爵,他們身上散發著一抹濃厚的古典薰衣草香,在冷冽的冬晨中,點綴起絲絲暖意,可他們冷酷的表情,形成一種強烈對比,尤其蘭斯公爵那不耐神情,更顯無情。「能和蘭斯公爵兄長見上一面,我備感榮幸,約您見面是希望您暫時別在上議院杯葛肯特公爵,這件事您必須慎重考慮,若肯特公爵他把自己的小女兒嫁給喬治侯爵,藉此得到皇后家族力量支持,一定會影響了您的仕途。」身為蘭斯公爵父親在外面的情婦所生之子,我被警告不得僭越該有的分寸,所幸對於皇家貴族血統的種種鬥爭,我實無興趣,若非因凱薩琳已被安排嫁給喬治侯爵,我壓根不想與蘭斯公爵家族有任何干係。蘭斯公爵更對我從來沒有友善過,甚至是睥睨厭惡,說話更是句句帶刺,今天站在他面前,那散發的紳士香氣,像Jo Malone 154一般,個性前衛且不畏強權,在上議院的問政中,那股味道是一種自信且讓人折服的魅力;但面對我這個同父異母的親兄弟,卻變成難以親近又備感壓力的尖銳感,濃烈的薰衣草香中,似乎還可以感受到微微的沁涼羅勒,而那羅勒的表現方式,也偏向較直接不掩飾的方式呈現著,那種感受就跟蘭斯公爵身上微微散出對我有敵意的攻擊性,雖然不是直接衝突,但也足夠讓人對他有種距離感,或許這在政壇上的他,也需要用這種保護色捍衛自己吧。「蘭斯,這狡詐多端的肯特公爵若得到皇后家族的力量支持,我們歐洲外交新政策勢必會面臨挑戰!」亞瑟伯爵一直是蘭斯公爵的智囊導師,在知道我說的政治聯姻安排後,眼神中多了一點憂慮。
With the bright woody scent of Jo Malone 154, I walk on the flagstone paved road along the river. There were two men wearing wool overcoats and sitting on the bench. One of them is Duke Lance and the other is Earl Arthur. I can clearly smell the thick lavender scents from thier gentle suits espeicially in this snowy cold winter. Some genial temperture brought by the warm fragrance come around me when they come up toward me. However, it is extremely different from their cold poker faces. "It is my greatest honour to see my brother here. I want to suggest that you shall carefully and clearly consider the boycott of Duke of Kent. He intends to marry his little girl to Marquis George who can affect Queen's family to support Duke of Kent in the Chamber. If it happens, your proposal and position will be crashed in House of Lords." Being an illegitimate child of Duke Lance's father and mistress, I was named as a dirty shame of his family. Luckily I dislike the royal politic games and have no interest in gaining anything precious. Were it not for Catherine, I would rather have a cup of hot tea with a nice book at home than get onboard such a pirate ship. Lance is still unfriendly even look at me disdainfully. However, I still have to admit the lavender scent from his overcoat is so attractive. It is same as Jo Malone 154, the scent is so modern and brave. It helps Lance to be supremely confident in House of Lords but sometimes turn to be very sharp and harsh when Lance intends to protest something or even see me. From time to time, the basil scent also discreetly but straightly come to stimulate our olfaction. It is a bit cooler which is same as the attacking characteristic of Duke Lance to me. Although he would not directly make something harmful to me, I still can clearly find the distance between us. Yet, it may be a kind of protection colour to himself in his politic games. "Lance, we should be more careful about the potential crisis brought by this sly Duke of Kent. Once he has the support from Queen's family, our new European diplomatic policy must be challenged." Earl Arthur is a wisdom old friend of Duke Lance. He can smell the worried concerns in the following politic storm.
「你是看上了肯特公爵家的小女兒吧!」蘭斯公爵看出了我的用意,我也不避諱地坦承我對凱薩琳的喜愛,蘭斯公爵跟亞瑟伯爵也都知道凱薩琳的特別氣質,不可置否地,當我說到第一眼在宴席中看到凱薩琳的那感覺,是典雅脫俗的那種迷人,那優雅不忸怩的舉止吸引著與會的每位男仕,溫柔氣質深深撥弄著我的心弦,這些描述讓蘭斯公爵和亞瑟伯爵收起剛剛冷酷沒有溫度的表情,不禁莞爾,此時冬陽漸露,暖陽的溫度撒在我的身上,和著蘭斯公爵身上原有的那股薰衣草香,顯得更為溫暖柔順,加上蘭斯臉上不再是剛剛那生硬的表情,空氣中的冷厲消散不少,正和Jo Malone 154變化到後端的香根草與香草一般,溫暖且柔和,那薰衣草也被感染到變得相當輕順,整體感受雖然還是稍帶侵略感,但卻不再是尖銳帶刺。「今天你的目的就是不希望凱薩琳嫁給喬治侯爵,想要我不杯葛肯特公爵,現在你告訴了我這些消息,無非是想要得到什麼,開燈說亮話,直說你想要從我這裡得到甚麼?」果然是蘭斯公爵,可以年紀輕輕便以公爵身分在上議院大紅大紫,絕對不是簡單的政治遊戲玩家,陽光把雪照得更為耀眼,也把蘭斯公爵的臉照得更清楚,我往前一步,「我只要你給我兩張往法國的船票,等我把凱薩琳帶走,你便可以繼續你的杯葛案,我便不在乎凱薩琳是否擔憂她的父親,完全不干涉你如何剷除掉肯特公爵。」我直視著蘭斯公爵,決心奮力一搏,我確定蘭斯公爵絕對心有動搖,因為這不只是幫助我可以和凱薩琳遠走高飛,更能幫他未來在上議院的勢力擴張計畫,得以無後顧之憂地一步步蠶食鯨吞掉那些老公爵的勢力。蘭斯公爵沒有回答我,只有笑笑地轉身離開,他似乎感覺到這場嗜血的政治遊戲越來越好玩了,而我有把握蘭斯公爵會答應我的這項交易案。
"It seems you have fascinated in Catherine, the little girl of Duke of Kent." Lance is very smart so I admit my love to Catherine. Duke Lance and Earl Arthur know Catherine as well. We all agree that she is pretty and elegant who must attract a plenty of royal men. I mentioned the first impression of Catherine when I saw her in the dinner banquet to Duke Lance and Earl Arthur. She is nothing about vulgarity but angelical temperament. At that moment, both Duke Lance and Earl Arthur have mild smiles on their face. Being enhanced by the sunshine in the cold winter morning, the smiles are specifically gentle and mild especially the beauty of lavender is always there. Alike the base note of vetiver and vanilla in Jo Malone 154, the minor spice and woody element make the lavender and vetiver softened but not weak. The sharp thorn in the top note was totally vanished in the base performance. "I know your main purpose of talking all these is to ask me to give up the boycott, what do you want to have from me as the counter offer of this trade?" It is of course the Duke Lance, he can achieve the milestone to be a popular member in the House because he is good at playing the sinister politic game. The snow is shined up to much brighter and so is Duke Lance's face. I step in toward him and say, "I just need two tickets for France. Once I take Catherine to leave for France, I will never care about Catherine's concerns to her father anymore and you can resume your boycott plan to Duke of Kent." I stare at Duke of Lance with firm determination. I surely understand Duke Lance interested in my trade proposal as it can be a win win game. It not only help me to take my beloved Catherine away but make him work on power expansion in House of Lords without concerns. However, Duke Lance just turns around and laughs loudly without promise. He knows the game is much interesting now, and I also assure he must agree to trade with me.
當Jo Malone 154的香氣在風中漸漸飄散,我也開始計畫著和凱薩琳的這場逃難記,或許我們都很自私,為了兒女私情和撒旦交易;當Jo Malone 154的辛香過後,待看自己即將成為亡命鴛鴦,淒美感的畫面油然而生,在這殘忍的政治遊戲中,既然已知道無法全身而退,那流血犧牲換取最大的戰利品,便成了無怨無尤,這154的尾韻,屬於大倫敦的冬季香氣,或許春天之後就真的只剩下回憶了,不過也已經深植我心,一切也該足夠了!只是看似順利的交易,暗地裡也深藏著另一個陰謀,所謂沒有絕對的戰友,只有如何讓自己更強的助友,我萬萬沒想到,真正的黑騎士,其實是亞瑟伯爵......
When all beauties of Jo Malone 154 flow away in the winter wind, I start to plan how to flee from the political calamity. Indeed it is also guilty and cruel when we decided to trade with Satan. I am so sorry to be the misfortune manderin ducks with Catherine soon. While the poignant scent of Jo Malone 154 is gone, I discover all the ugly aspects of this cruel bloody game which I have already had no retreat. The only survival thereof will still be with scars. I will remember all the beauties of Jo Malone 154 which is the memories of this winter in London. I am ready for all fights to the Great Wall even the whole empire. However, I really have no precaution to the real dark knight in this game while I totally miss the fact that there is not a definite comrade in a war. Earl Arthur is not just a friend of Duke Lance...