還記得在2019年過完年沒多久,我就飛到泰國曼谷展開一系列的香氛探尋之旅,期間真的很感謝台灣三大水在曼谷的協助,一路上除了照顧我的吃喝之外 (結果就讓我一下子胖了三公斤,回國後上健身房被教練虧了不少),重點是還讓我接觸到PAWIS這個品牌,甚至和品牌創辦人與產品研發見了面與深入訪談,期間介紹在之前文章也都有提到,但不得不特別說說2019年上半年才推出來的這個香味,柚木 (Teak),第一時間聽到這名字時候,我聯想到的是家具,畢竟有個品牌叫做XX柚木啊!但很神奇的是,當我第一次聞到柚木這個味道時候,Pawis跟我說:「What we would like to try is to make fragrances more interesting. I believe you will find more than Teakwood in this product.」還真的是阿娘喂,這味道何止只有more interesting,根本就是much more fantastic了吧!
I still remember the trip to Bangkok in early 2019. I am so thankful to all help endeavored by the agent San Da Shui in Taiwan for my stay in Thailand. They helped me to get all the necessaities during my stay in Bangkok (then I indeed gained 3kg weight on my body after the great trip over Thailand). One of the most precious experiences was to meet up the founder of fragrance brand, PAWIS in this trip. The brand introduction has been thoroughly reported in the previous article but I still have to point out the special scent of latest masterpieces in 2019, TEAK. When I heard the name of this new fragrance in the first time, what I was thinking about is the famous furniture name in Taiwan. However, whilst I was smelling it, I was told by Pawis that " What we would like to try is to make fragrances more interesting. I believe you will find more than teakwood in this product." So wonderful, the scent I smelt was not only more interesting even I may say, it's much more fantastic.
From the name of Teak, it seems the scent from the deep burning woods or old furnitures. Contrarily, this room mist has a special feature in the very beginning, the ginger oil performance. With the help of ginger, the clear fresh and clean element immediately comes up to the olfaction and reduce the hard and thick performance of woody fragrance. I guess the heavy scent from wood does not fit for the hot and humid weather in Thailand, the light and fresh scent may play an important role in perfumes. However, only the citrus and floral scents to act for this role may be quite boring. The try of adding some contradictory factors into the unfit woody scent opens another window for this limitation. Ginger oil greatfully reduces the heavy attack from woody scent and then the fruity fragrance following after the ginger makes the scent more vivid. Suddenly, the wood is with lots of lives just like the thunder in summer brings moisture to dried woods. The conflict beaty in this room mist product is really attractive and terrific. It broadens my view to fragrances and breaks the stereotype. I fell in love with this fragrance product soon after I met up with PAWIS, I think no one can really get rid of its charm after knowing its artistry.
The gradtional changes of Teak fragrance is also marvelous to me. Although I enjoy the contradition of fruity and woody performances in the top note quite much, the tobacco leaf plays in the middle (or say it as heart note) is the more interesting attraction to me. It balances the soft ginger and berry to more stronger but comes to ease the heardness of woody scent in hot season. Moreover, the scent of tobacco also ease out the redundant moisture in Teak Room Mist. Once you would like to use it in your room, the humidity would not be in excessive and if you would like to use as your personal fragrance, the tobacco will help you to get rid of the stuffy shock. The gradational change must be one of the reasons that you cannot give it up. If you would like to seek some fragrance with interesting and charming factors, Teak shall be your opition.
The scent from teak is quite profound I have to admit. However, it is quite successful in the play of art from the top and heart notes of this fragrance. Even so, Pawis does not feel satified and he would like to make more bold creation to this product. He used oak and amber to accelerate the artistry. It comes with the doubts to me if the two elements will bring back the problems of heaviness and stuffy unhappiness. The truth proves my fault as the oak and amber indeed strengthen the teak melodious feature. It is so confident and vivid which you must be able to feel it in the air immediately. Not only the maturality and thickness can be found in woody scent, the vivid or sometimes naughty colours can be found therein. Why not follow it to explore all kinds possibilities with PAWIS?