
那年秋天,一陣微寒的風,催促著整片山嵐的楓紅,那是我青春的記憶,微甜帶酸卻又有些苦澀的歲月痕跡,那陣風似乎從十多年前的那個夜晚,跨越了時空來到了窗前,同一個味道,一樣的低溫,它輕拂我的臉龐,凝視著我的雙眸,在耳邊低聲說出,「那份愛,還在你的內心深處嗎?」那溫柔的觸感,和那席捲而來的回憶,震懾著我的內心,心痛彷彿已經在那分那秒,完全停止了一般,內心最深層的那條心河,再次有了湍流,這個微寒的夜晚,在Wind in My Hand的協奏曲下,顯得相當不一樣,天空也更為不同。

I still remember the chill brought by the wind in that autumn, the maple leaves over that mountain turned to red suddenly in the sharp wind. That is my memory of the precious youth. The traces with slight sweet, mild sour and a bit of bitter are all back to my face by the same wind, same temperature and same emotion. It comes to me and whispers, “do you still bear that unique love in your deep heart?” The gentle and soft care from the wind neatly connect my mood and touch my heart. The deepest secret of my past memories suddenly comes up again, with the wonderful scent of Floraiku Wind in My Hand.


還記得那一天,你陽光的笑容就算在有點晦陰的秋夜中,仍然是全場的焦點,團康活動中,你在營火前彈著吉他,低沉渾厚的嗓音,眾人中,感覺你那明亮的雙眼,只直直地盯著我看,那種心跳加速,怦然心動的感覺,彷彿空氣中有股微酸的甜味,青澀的粉紅泡泡,剎那間圍繞著我和你,我們之間的距離,瞬間變得好近,那像是春末時,那潔白高雅的橘子花一般,讓人好想靠近,淡淡的花香味是我對你的愛慕與欣賞,純白的花朵更是我對你的唯一,那屬於我們的高校青春愛情故事,就這樣開始了。這個秋夜,窗外的冷風,還有Floraiku的Wind in My Hand,前味的甜橙風味,讓我又再次跌進回憶的時光隧道中,想起那個已經塵封在我心底已久的那個你。

I still remember that night, your ablaze smile is the shiniest star in the dark autumn night. In front of the camp fire, you played the guitar and sang the beautiful song in your natural and powerful sound. I could feel you gaze were just only on me. I also contemplated your eyes and found my heart beat had gone beyond my bounds. Simultaneously I could feel the mind sweet with a bit of sour scent. The pink bubbles were then surrounding us. The distance between you and me was zero, and the breath rate was abnormally fast. The feeling is the mandarin blossom in spring alike. The light floral fragrance from the blossom represented my love and appreciation to you, and the pure white petals were my exclusive devotion to you. All are our precious love story in our youth which started from that autumn night. The chilly wind out of the window today indeed comes with the top note of Floraiku Wind in My Hand, the sweet citrus scent catches me to find you, the one has stayed secretly in my heart.


愛情的可貴,在於無微不至的照顧與陪伴,那青春歲月中,有你的燦笑繞著我,當我有挫折時,努力扮醜逗弄我;當我難過時,貼心抱著安慰我;當我生氣時,溫柔理性包容我,不管是我哭,我笑,似乎每個分秒,都有你的參與,這種默默地陪伴,是愛情中最讓人暖心與感動的章節。那股瑪黛茶香帶來的安全感,就像是你當年的陪伴,讓我很安心又覺得可靠,迷人的香氣也代表著你專屬於我的情感,這種感動,從Floraiku的Wind in My Hand也感受到了,在甜澀的柑橘香後,是優雅渾厚的瑪黛茶香,那種如影隨形的繚繞在我身旁,帶有著獨有的氣質,獨領風騷地走在人群中,我想,這是你曾經給我的獨有溫柔,是那樣的令人動容。

The most precious treasure of love is the careness and companion. In those beautiful days, I was surrounded with your optimistic smile and love. When I was frustrated, you tried to play fun of yourself for my laugh. When I was upset, you considerably hugged me and consoled. When I was in anger, you turned to be gentle. No matter what mood I was in, you were always next to me in every moment. This kind of gentle companion is the the most touching and wonderful part in love. Just like Mate tea fragrance, the safety therefrom is always exclusive and easy. The elegance of Mate tea plays like a lace of the pretty skirt on me and helps me to walk out confidently. I believe it is the gentle you gave me which always caught me so much.


或許不是每個樂章都是歡樂的交響樂,不是每個刻骨銘心的愛情都是王子公主從此過著幸福的日子,當樂章走到命運交響曲,當愛情走到只能將傘在此交付給你自己走時,那苦澀的味道油然而生,但那苦盡甘來的豐盛,卻是人生歷練中不可或缺的一部份,或許你的人生,因為這苦澀的酒釀而更顯珍貴,也可能因為這酸澀的悲傷而更顯璀璨,但無論如何,那曾有美好回憶不曾消失過,即使是在有緣無份的分離後,依舊還是美麗豐富。如同在Floraiku的Wind in My Hand一般,那淡淡帶著焦苦的焚香,似乎代表著我和你的分開,但卻依舊無法完全蓋過瑪黛茶帶來的那種甜美感,如同我沒有忘掉過你對我的好,反而因為這股淡苦感,更讓我發現,那段只屬於我們之間的好。

Not all the movements are joyful symphony, so not all love stories are with happy endings. When the fate comes to the farewell, the bitter comes over and engulfs all sweets. Yet, no one can deny the fact that the fruit of baptism is wonderful and beautiful in our lives. Because of the bitter ordeal, we prove to ourselves that our life would never be only for love. The days we devoted should be the past but the traces of our relationship would be also never gone. We find the same feeling in Floraiku Wind in My Hand, as the mild bitter from incense cannot fully take over the pretty Mate tea in the base note performance. The bitter may be described as the leave of you in my life but the memories belong to us would never be taken away.



Our lives are still on ticking, we are still making our unique diaries. How are you? I would hope this greeting from London can reach you.


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