
When abundant vetiver is malaxated together with some strong patchuli into a perfume, I am curious about if it is a kind of trick played by the perfumer Oliver. Did he want to have a spectacular try in his creation? If yes, I am personally allegiant to his talent. From 2017 Fall, this perfume has already astonished lots of people around the world.



Probably, many people will reject the strong scent if the main element of perfume is vetiver. Not to mention the herbal alike patchuli in Diptyque Vetyverio, can you imagine how strong the perfume is? However, it is contrarily in soft and light. Although it is not really fresh and green, it is still warm and nice just like the gentleness from a musculine fellow. In the first few minutes of scent from Diptyque Vetyverio, the vetiver has used its utmost attraction to stimulate olfaction but one element would not be ignored. That is the mandarin orange which makes me have more deep breath to find out the beauty. The mandarin orange is not like other citrus scent you will scream out but to hide in the thick vetiver. The Chinese essayist Zhu Ziqing's writing, the sight of father's back and the falling orange in train station deliver the images to me when I am finding the mandarin in Diptyque Vetyverio. It is our fathers, they always provide the warmest help and care to us without words. The mandarin orange in this perfume has the same way to deliver the beauty to me.



I still remember my interesting childhood. When I was off from school and rode on my dad's scooter back home, in the breeze I could smell the scents of haystacks and green rices on the small road next to the farms. The fabric of father's clothes also delivered some light fragrance to me on the road. The scent of Diptyque Vetyverio has the same magic to me which immediately sent me back to the memories. In those days, we always sat in the small vender and my dad liked to ask me if I got a good results in exams. What impressed me was that he never gave me any positive comment, but he was happy to show up the proud appreciation of his son to others. It was very interesting and attractive. In Diptyque Vetyverio, I can say it is not the most beauty or hunk in perufmes even it could not be the popular scents to be discussed. Surprisingly, while the vetiver scent including the strong Haitian vetiver blows up in the base note, the surprise could not be strictly described out in words.



Different from vetiver scents in other perfumes, Diptyque Vetyverio goes to another way to perform its base note. It does not intend to keep the intensive scent all the time but change to soft and apt to our skins after the top and heart notes. I may describe it as clouds flowing around us when we wear Diptyque Vetyverio on. Like our fathers, they will get old but the warm hearts to us are still same as before although they are not aggressive at all.  In every father's mind, they do have some regrets of not providing enough supports to kids but meantime feel proud of them as the dreams were made by their kids with their expects. Because of fathers, we have our achievement today. At the same time, fathers are more gentle because of their loves to us. It is almost same as Diptyque Vetyverio, the multiple layers of vetiver scent dress us to be more unique. Since we know how to appreciate it, vetiver successfully shows up its beauty in market. After completion of this story, I cannot help but to spray more Diptyque Vetyverio on myself.


註: 維堤里歐也有淡香水版本,表現上更為輕柔,那或許是另一個故事了,但此刻,我很享受在淡香精版本的維堤里歐。

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