There are only 41 nights for the end of 2018, but we have left one another for 255 days. We stopped at the proper time without too much unnecessary yoke. Inadvertently I heard the touching love song in this rainy night with beautiful scent from Diptyque Tempo, it brings me back to the memory of our travel in New Orleans, where enriched my expection on our relationship and helped us to assure our vows. Although we still unfortunately broke up, all the good aspects are still in my deep heart to accompany me to achieve my own life.
I still remember that was a humid spring, and it was my first time to walk in your life. Traveling with you from the first day, I met all your good friends with my sincere smile. However, I was still afraid of acting improperly which you would be bothered or get troubles. After the long haul fly in almost 20 hours, we finally arrived at New Orleans and were treated by the most passionate sunshine. The air was also with some humidity which we are familiar to. The city was so bright and shinny. Though it is an old city, we still found it as a charming old wisdom who no one can resist his allure. Diptyque Tempo gives me the same feeling. In the first impression, we can smell the strong patchouli with some warm temperature and mild humidity. It is not annoying but turns the performance more beautiful and gorgeous. The thickness of Tempo exactly provide me a kind of charm which people will easily fall in love with.
其實你知道我一開始的緊張與不安,不善言語的你,或許也是有些驚慌失措,那個早上和你早餐後,我們獨自在密西西比河畔的耳語,至今我還清晰記得,那河上的微風和著一點草香,又夾雜著一點點工業港傳來的船笛聲,你跟我說:「別擔心,他們都很喜歡你,而且有你一起來美國,我也安心很多,有你在身邊,我真的很開心!」是啊!那個晨光照耀的紐奧良,空氣中都瀰漫著一股只有你我可以感受到的粉紅色吧!這感受在Diptyque Tempo一樣找到足跡,當前面廣藿香的衝擊漸漸溫柔下來後,還在思考是不是這支香味終究這麼強烈時候,瑪黛茶香變輕輕柔柔地撲鼻而來,使整支香水的表現變得好柔美;這像是在衝擊的刺激感後,心裏在乎的那個人,亦緩亦柔的耳語一般,浪漫的感受一瞬間就砰的一下,圍繞著自己許久許久...
I know you understood my intense and anxiety in the beginning of the trip. Maybe you were panic too so we walked along the river after that breakfast. The breeze coming from river with the fragrance of fresh grass eased me a lot. After the ship whistle, you gently told me that, don't worry as they indeed like you. Even I really appreciate you're here. I can be myself and show up what I can do here because of you. Wow, I suddenly found that morning was so wonderful and beautiful even I was surrounded by pink bubbles. Back to my reality, Diptyque Tempo also granted me such a surprise. When the strong patchouli scent turns to mild level, I am still confused in extent of the thickness from patchouli. Mate tea shows up brightly but not harshly. It pushes Tempo into another confines which performs more perfect and noble. It is like the safety and romance given by the one you care most in the correct time. It surprises and catches you...
美國南方的熱情是有魔力的,在那僅用簡單一兩種樂器就組合成的輕快節奏中,我毫無招架之力,身上每一個細胞已經不受控制,隨著音樂,輕輕地扭動身體,放開心中無謂的束縛後,瘋狂放肆且開心地唱跳吧!這和旅程剛開始的緊張已經完全不同了,我在這樣的氛圍下,很自然地和你的好友們,沒有違和感地享受異國嘉年華,此起彼落的嬉笑聲中,我好高興認識了這些新朋友,很開心這樣走進了你的生活,當兩人關係這樣走近了,生活圈重疊了,很多感覺在心裏面發酵了!這也是Diptyque Tempo給我的悸動,我好喜歡它到後面的表現,和它一開始的濃烈完全不同,那清雅的紫羅蘭給了一種放鬆的青翠,搭上讓人醉心鼠尾草,實在令人著迷,偏偏溫度仍是保持溫熱,那像似南方熱情的琥珀香,完全扮演了畫龍點睛的角色。這些迷人的繽紛感,反而讓我心曠神怡,享受在各種香氣的衝擊中。
The passion from southern America is magic. I could not reject but follow the brisk tempo to dance. I decided to throw all unnecessary conerns away and enjoy the happiness right now. It was totally different from the very beginning of the trip. I wanted to enjoy more and shared the joy to you friends. We laughed and danced. I was happy to get closer to you, walked in your life and even knew you more. We were going further than before. Diptyque Tempo also gives me the same touching feeling. The scent presentation in the inner level includes the natural green of violet leaves, charming wood sage and warm amber which is extremely opposite to the strong top note. It is very southern Amrican style to show up colourful shocks but never force you to leave.
It is already midnight time and I still have to come back reality from old days. The only change to me is that you will not join my new year party this time. Yet, I still thank you for everything since I have known a lot of good friends because of you. I am really good now, and you? Good night.