


處在英國倫敦攝政公園旁的馬里波恩,是我喜歡倫敦的幾個小區之一,有讓身為福爾摩斯迷的我超愛的 221b, Baker Street,也有讓我為之瘋狂會亂刷卡的Selfridges London,而且這裡到處都是文青風,好適合我假掰喔! (圖片截自於LeSalon官方網站)

I like Marylebone, where is just next to The Region’s Park in London. I can find The Sherlock Holmes Museum (because I am the super fan of the movie) as well as the wonder Selfridges London. Furthermore, I like the atmosphere given by this specific area when I stay in London.


The climate change in London is awesome (maybe we may say horrible) which will lead you to experience all different weathers in one day. That is the reason why we need to know how to discuss climates with British in social activities. How to show up your ability to discuss the weather means how far you can get along with British. However, I am in an attempt to add some fragrance topics into the weather discussion which may enrich my talks and get more chances.


如同馬里波恩區的氛圍,這支香水是古老中帶有創新的感覺,經常來往英國台北的旅行中,我每每都被馬里波恩給吸引著,那裡有很多在19世紀前後,甚至更早之前留下來的古早味,但也看得到現在生氣勃勃的新倫敦,雖然不如商業發展區那樣繁榮,但他展現出來的新活力,就這麼巧的被傳統的老倫敦風味給融合到超美麗。潘海利根的馬里伯恩香水,味道的前端是很舒服的葡萄柚香氣,它不是像同是本家的 布倫海姆” (Blenheim Bouquet)那樣,猛烈酸酸苦苦的檸檬皮香刺激,那它是像雞尾酒那樣的濃厚嗎?那樣的表現大概是JML他們家的聖誕香水苦橙味,而馬里波恩的微醺感,是因為有厚度的木質香陪襯它,那種藝術性,我大概只能用內斂卻炫彩的表現來形容吧!

As the atmosphere of Marylebone, this perfume of Penhaligon’s performs the combination of tradition and creation perfectly. I travel between London and Taipei frequently, and I am always attracted by the charming Marylebone in London. There are so many historical remains from 19th century or even earlier, but at the same time, some modern creationary power is also bounced up from this old lady. I like this kind of combination which sends me a splendid scenery in London. It is like the grapefruit scent from the top note in Marylebone Wood. Most people would easily incline to the fresh grapefruit, but it is not just so simple. The performance of grapefruit is not the show by Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet or Jo Malone’s Orange Bitter. Since more woody scents come to set off the grapefruit, the presentation of the top note turns to very talent effaced but profoundly.


When the scent of Marylebone Wood comes to the base note, I can feel the lovely sandalwood and the nice vetiver together with shinny amber. All elements achieve the perfect woody scent in this perfume. To think about a traditional British gentleman wearing the neatly suit and cuff links, you will be delighted to see his gorgeous shoes with classical patterns carved thereon. Don’t worry. It is not a kindly of old and stubborn scent but absolute mature and charming performance. It is like a man who possesses some achievement in his life but sometimes he would like to play some tricks with romance to you. Now, you may doubt this perfume is just for the cold weather rather than warm and humid places. You are totally overthinking since the scent of Marylebone Wood can be much brighter and more vivid after being warmed up by sunshine.








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