1798年11月27日 倫敦.肯特郡
Kent, London on 27 November, 1798.
Take a deep breath and let the servant to tie up the vest on my body. Yes, I have to do this even I really dislike the fetters anymore. Tonight one more dinner banquet my Duke father needs me to attend since I am already at the age of marriage. Strictly it will be a political marriage without any possibility to escape. I am just like a ham brought by the butcher to the market for all potential buyers’ evaluation. I neither have any choice nor reject any offer. I may be a Duchess and raise up my children soon. Lots of women will admire me, but it seems that I will lose my soul as what my mother lost.
I am hold my Duke father’s arm and stepping on the rocky stairs toward the banquet with elegance. When the doors are opened, the colorful dressings and all kinds of luxury food as well as wine pop up to me. The laugh and high tone of talks strike the air from time to time. Everyone saw my father would come immediately and gently kiss my right hand to show the highest respect. However, there is a man out of ordinary standing not far away from me. He is Edward, a British East India Company businessman coming back from Malacca, to attend the banquet for selling his products brought from East Asia. He is walking up to me, “ Lordship, yours Grace, have a nice night”. When his hand touches my right hand, I can clearly feel the warmness and the tramendous shyness from my blushed face. When the door of Kensington Amber is opened, the sparkling Labdanum brings the shimmy surprise to me. It is the colorful dressing, the tasty food and wonderful wine, the sound of all kinds of laughing from other royal bloods. I can also find some cinnamon beauty in the shining performance which is like the warm air from the fireplace blending with pretty smell of delicious food in the big house. In the winter season, I accidentally like this banquet because of the beautiful scent and that man...
那緊收的馬甲把這時代的每個女人給綁得難以喘氣,不需多久,我已經需要呼吸新鮮空氣,我站到陽台上,微冷的風拍打在我的臉上,剛剛那酒氣的微醺感,已經在冷風的刺激下,煙消雲散! 「小姐您也跑出來透氣?」還在感受冷冽寒風的刺激時,那溫柔的聲音傳來耳邊,愛德華拿著酒杯,靠在我身旁的欄杆上,雙眼凝視著我,我的臉又因為羞澀而漲紅,「你直叫我凱薩琳吧!我真心不喜歡這樣的規矩與禮數。」我不想和他有過多的距離與冷冰冰的稱呼,當沒了這些無謂的禮數之後,我們無話不聊,天南地北無所不談,我對他在南洋貿易的所見所聞,感到無比興趣,這個晚宴,因為他,多了一些特別的依戀感。在肯辛頓琥珀的氣味呈現,對於其中的那一種沁涼感受,就正如陽台上那微寒的風,陣陣刺激著嗅覺,但這香氣中卻有對比明顯的香草,還有前面那勞丹脂帶來的繽紛表現,雖然整體感受是微微偏涼,但香草的厚度正像愛德華溫柔的談天,而身後,也依舊還是那晚宴的喧囂,這樣一層一層地,堆疊起十八世紀末璀璨的大倫敦。
The fetter has already oppressed me over my burden. I decide to go out to the balcony for some fresh air. The cold wind in November straightly pads on my face and refresh me. “Yours Grace, you also come here for some personal privacy?” When I am still thinking about my attendance here, the soft and gentle tone of Edward comes to me. “Just call me Catherine rather than those nonsense titles. I am fed up with those manners and cold etiquettes.” We start to have a wonderful chat on the balcony. I am really fascinated to his stories in overseas where I’ve never been. The cool presentation of Kensington Amber is just the cold wind blowing on my face. It’s refreshing and unique because the warm vanilla can be found in the cooling scent, and even the sparkling Labdanum is still dancing over there. When I stand out of the banquet, I mainly have a cool air with a nice a warm companion vanilla although the luxury party is still hot on back of us. The shining performance of Kensington Amber is same as the pretty London night in late 18th century.
I like chatting with Edward but it is still ended up when the Duke father comes to take me home. Upon leaving, Edward gave a small wooden box containing a delicate handkerchief from Asia. I like the oriental elements on the small gift and even the smooth wooden scent from the box attracts me so much. When I am on the way home with Duke in the carriage, I can still clearly feel the sweet and warmness of Edward by the gift. Now, Duke is whispering that Marquess George would like to come to visit me soon. I know it will be difficult to escape from the political games, it still cannot enhance the sadness to me because I have already something from Edward. Under such an era, I have no power to flight back but I have had more than other royal bloods. The combination of benzoin and tonka in the base note of Kensington Amber is astonishingly soft and gentle. It is the woody scent from the beautiful small box and pretty handkerchief. Although the cold wind in the dark night is attacking me like Duke's decision, I can bravely face to the changes by the attractive woody scent from wonderful benzoin and tonka.
I cannot forget the encounter that night... Kensington Amber, please take the beauty to touch more people...