
他從來沒有給過佳芬一句好聽的安慰,每當佳芬在工作上、家庭上,抑或是感情上有些挫折時候,他總是冷靜聽完事情原委之後,冷冷給上幾句建議而已,甚至有時候,還會給佳芬一頭棒喝,讓佳芬真正的痛徹心扉!可偏偏佳芬沒有想過離開這個好朋友,駿凱就是這樣的男孩,不懂他們的人,還總以為駿凱是一個喜歡事事刁難,處處找佳芬碴的壞人!有人這樣形容:若要說駿凱對佳芬的那種狠勁,真的很像Le Labo Tonka 25的一開始感受,強烈的暴衝,但卻好像沒看到違和感!

He never gives sweet words to Penny no matter when she gets problems and frustration in career, family or even relationship. Jim likes to be a silent listener of Penny and then gives some cold words or neutral suggestions, sometimes even a bit harsh comments would be added thereafter. It is not for anything but Penny's true heart only. No doubt Penny cannot lose this good friend. Jim is this kind of good boy to her. For others who do not really understand them, Jim is always misconstrued as a bad man to Penny. The description is going as, "the beginning with impulse of Le Labo Tonka 25 is just like the false impression of Jim in treating Penny. It seems a bit contradictory but sometimes harmonized".


駿凱總是把佳芬的事情當成自己的要事去思考,他們平常分享各自生活中的五四三,那稀鬆平常的互動,和Le Labo Tonka 25中,一開始帶出來的雪松木與麝香一般,自然輕鬆,可是其中又有一股不知道如何精闢形容的尖銳感,不討厭,但卻不是讓人覺得舒服的一股強烈感受,或許那是東加豆的火候比雪松和麝香更為強烈的關係吧?我們生活中也似乎都有這樣的一個朋友,說話稍微尖銳一點,不是故意刺你,相反地而是讓你更清晰某些事物上自己的盲點,Le Labo很厲害的點就是在這裡,那強烈的香氣雖沒把握一定讓人一時間就愛上,但也絕對不會讓你逃脫它傳達給你的溫度!就像是駿凱對佳芬總是無法用安慰的字眼讓自己感覺好像柔和地陪在女孩身邊,但那字字到位的中立建議與分析,卻是讓人越想靠近與思考,這樣的層次,不是一般人能為的,而是你需要認定這樣的人是你的真心好友,那也可以這麼說,因為Le Labo,你不可能不喜歡Tonka 25給你的那種衝擊,因為它正開始慢慢把你帶進它要給你不同於其他香水的溫暖。

Jim would consier Penny's concerns as his matters in life, and they always like to share their daily lives to each other. The interaction between them is quite easy but fraquent. You may find the shadow alike from the very beginning of Le Labo Tonka 25 while the harmonized cedar wood and musk bring up a kind of warmness to users. However, you will not miss or even ignore a sharp scent together with the aforesaid harmonized scent. Yet, it's not hateful anyways. It probably comes from the hot tonka beans which is always with warmer heat then cedarwood and musk. Let's think about such an interesting question. Do you have a friend who may put some harsh words to you but not intend to hurt you? Instead, such words give you a chance to find yourself or even note some blind sides of yourself. It's quite special when we use Le Labo fragrances. In Tonka 25, the strong performance must not attract all of you but never drives you out. Jim is like the scent from Le Labo Tonka 25, accompanying this girl, Penny all the time but never being a playboy with sweet fake words. He would give more useful suggestion and deliver warmer heart to this important lovely friend. Can it be made up by anyone else? Never but the intimate friend. It is same as Le Labo, nothing else can reach the same goal in scent performance but Tonka 25 may bring you to explore an extremely different perfume world.


很多時候,香草是令人討厭而且害怕的,若加上帶甜的橙花,那根本就是人間煉獄般的暈眩與難耐!但Le Labo Tonka 25的香草與橙花,卻讓人驚喜地是扮演著配角的地位,緩緩地推著東加豆,讓他戴著親膚的柔和感,不再僅有東加豆的熱感與甜膩。隨著時間的推進,Tonka 25會越發人想多吸幾口的慾望,那像是毒癮一般地想靠近,就是因為那溫暖中帶股柔順的協調感,似乎是少了誰都不行,像是駿凱對佳芬的每個建言一般,他們一個是感性驅使自己生活著,但就因為那理性的溫度與支持,總是幫著佳芬把生活中大大小小的事情做到盡善盡美,沒有一個人是完美的,但卻可以因為一個貼心好友的互補,讓生活變得更自在與得體,或許這個人不是愛人,但正因為他不是愛人,所以可以有更多的直接與理性,因為不是愛人,所以更為自然與簡單,這樣的和諧感,缺一不可!正如Tonka 25那股簡單質樸的香氣,看似簡單,其實不容易,甚至素材結合上更是一絕。

Vanilla always makes people scared of, and it must be a scent coming from hell if orange blossom comes to be a part of fragrance. You are not in the wrong platform to hear that both vanilla and orange blossom are put in Tonka 25 in Le Labo masterpiece. They come to push the warm tonka beans as a gentle warm man in the show. It is very like our natural scent from the skin, and the vanilla makes the warmness be silk alike smooth. By time elapsing gradually, the scent from Tonka 25 will attract you to approach it more frequently even trap you to be addicted. The harmonization among tonka beans, vanilla and orange blossom create a kind of balanced relationship one another. It is same as Jim with Penny. Penny is a sensitive girl who needs Jim's rationality to make up the disadvantages in her life. We may say there is no one perfect but it can be wonderful if someone is just next to you for help. It is not necessary to be a lover but sometimes a intimate friend can make it much more perfect. Just like Tonka 25, the combination of different ingredients is simple, yet the performance is terrific. 


人家說天下無不散之宴席,但可貴的是,留下來的回憶與痕跡是永遠帶不走的,或許時間會讓每個人的際遇,甚至身分不同,或許有天凱駿結婚了,哪天佳芬遠嫁了;但好友之間的默契與祝福卻是可以長遠的,這正是我們平凡生活中都會有過的那個某個記憶,或許你正在翻閱著手機電話簿,抑或是搜尋著社群網頁中的某個聯絡人,因為他,你現在感念著當初那些如家人般的互動與扶持,現在的他還好嗎?但又好似他的耳語猶在身邊一般。凱駿的那些陪伴溫度,你我都曾擁有過,而Tonka 25尾韻給人的感覺,就如同佳芬會感念當初的那段美好一般,那股香氣,會淡淡地陪在我們身邊,溫度不會因為香氣到了後調而有所降低,而是如同一開始一般,淡淡地陪伴在身邊,像是那個和你分享著生活各種滋味的好友一般,默默陪著你!

The curtain will still falls in the end, but the memories and those touching moments will not leave. We will change by the time and always it will not be back anymore. Maybe in some day, Jim marry another girl and Penny also meets her Mr. Right. They will be probably aparted afterward. Even that, the good tacit understanding between the two good friends is still stamped in their hearts. It is not extraordinary while we must have similar memories and experiences. You may be having the search on your mobile or facebook for the one who has ever touched you so much in a certain period of your life. You may think about if he/she is still good now and find his or her words are still just like the whisper saying next to you. The companion like Jim's words is not special but precious. Tonka 25 delivers the same feeling to all of us which you will never forget the beauty of tonka. The mild scent will still comes with you and the warmness will not leave you even the show has come to the end. We call the companion as a friend to us, then we shall call such a scent from Tonka 25 as a legend.




All photos are from official website and ICF HK. Please kindly notify the writer if some copyright concerns are arisen.

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