微寒的春天週六午後,約翰依約前往馬球俱樂部,那是他習慣和好友消磨時光的好聚會,順便看看他的那匹駿馬,亞當。一身輕鬆俐落的polo衫和線條簡單的馬球褲,配上那頂亮白的鴨舌帽,約翰看起來年輕許多。他坐在那張在角落的桌子上,啜飲著俱樂部剛為他泡好的那壺紅茶,紅茶香隨著蒸氣陣陣撲鼻而來,約翰想起了Le Labo黑茶29的那溫熱暖香,微微帶甜的東方茶香,包和著紅茶杯緣的萊姆清爽,哇!這個週末午後,美呆了!
In the Saturday afternoon, the wind in spring still brings some chills to wake up people in weekend. John visited the Polo Club as usual where he likes to spend the time with friends without any office bother. Of course it is the only time for him to see his beloved horse, Adam in Club. He chose the table on the corner and sipped the hot black tea prepared by the Club. The tea fragrance flowing by the steams from the cup was same as the scent coming from Le Labo The Noir 29 which catches John’s eyes easily and left an impressive image to him. The oriental tea scent in mild temperature and light sweet brought a kind of happiness to John this weekend.
當約翰站起身子準備跨騎上他的愛駒亞當,好好和好友切磋馬術與球技,那口齒間久留不散的茶香,始終帶著一股正面能量與愉悅的情感流動,走向馬槽牽出亞當之際,還有一陣陣微微淡淡的綠草香,那帶著一絲綠意的木質草本感,似乎是Le Labo的註冊商標,但這沒有意外的安排,卻使得黑茶29具備了與其他茶香不同的層次與厚度,調香中巧妙的運用月桂葉和木質調性非常美麗的雪松來催化茶香的各種可能,很意外地,這樣的融合,帶來了一股很難預料的完美結合,那黃金比例,一絲一毫都不能缺;這如同約翰在一飲那濃郁的茶品後,帶著愉悅的心情,準備這局難得的週末馬球友誼賽一般,味覺、嗅覺甚至到視覺,都是享受!
When John was walking toward the manger for his beloved horse, Adam, the thick tea scent from the black tea was still in his mouse with a strong positive energy and joyful emotion change. John took his Adam out from the manger and a light fresh green fragrance spotted on him. The green woody scent is a kind of remark in Le Labo perfumes, and of course without exception, the woody element is also blended into The Noir 29. However, the arrangement of such a woody scent brings a spectacular display in tea scent. The perfumer used bay leaves and the lovely cedar to catalyze the chemical reactions in tea. Unbelievably that we find the combination of tea scent and woody greens makes The Noir 29 as a perfect wonderland. It cannot be achieved by any of the elements independantly. The beautiful image is like the happiness brought by John from his good tea before the polo game and warmed up by the upcoming friendly competition. The joy to the taste, olfaction and even vision is astonishing.
時至傍晚,晚霞催促著約翰給今天這場馬球一個華麗的句點,下了馬,約翰點起一根淡菸,他把這根淡菸當成了今日馬球友誼賽的結業閉幕式,其中沒有任何遺憾與仇視,有的是滿滿的歡樂與交流,今天的天氣好棒,溫度、濕度甚至到心情,幾乎都是用滿分來形容表示,手上傳來那沒有焦油味的清新菸草,和草地上經過一個下午暖曬的乾草香,好順鼻,而且直通腦門與心坎,這是幸福滿足的香氣,也是快樂自在的哲學啊!當那股茶香淡淡逝去之後,Le Labo黑茶29便以淡淡菸草與沒有濕度的香根草,繼續用柔情似水的力量包圍你,攻擊著你我的理智線,不能不收一瓶在家裡的香水櫃呀!黑茶29的魅力砲火,即使在紅茶香過後,依據有迷人的木質清新自然表現,深深吸引著我們,傳遞愉悅的心情與感受。
The game came to the late afternoon, the sunset called John to make a gorgeous ending to this polo competition. He used to lid up a light cigarette as the closing ceremony for the friendly competition, in which neither argument nor regret was there. The sunset told John it was a wonderful moment for this game. Nice weather and great mood we’re also sparkled the lovely weekend. At this moment, the fresh tobacco together with dry vetiver brought was so impressive and beautiful to decorate this shiny afternoon. Le Labo The Noir 29 is same as what John felt when the tea scent left. Some attractive tobacco is not hateful anymore but like a kind of catalyst to show up the beauty of woody fragrance in the last stage of the scent performance. Is it haystacks in the base? It’s not so simple in Le Labo The Noir 29 so be careful that it would softly linger around you but trap you to take money from your pockets for your perfume closet. Indeed it is undoubted that the whole journey of the scent show in The Noir 29 is to surprise all of us and never let us down.
你還願意錯過他嗎?Le Labo黑茶29,絕對是可以讓你發現茶香原來還有其他的變化與可能性,讓我們重新認識茶香的定義,茶!不僅僅是只有那從茶葉或熱水中傳來的美而已,準備好接照吧~~~
It will be very pity to miss the graceful Le Labo The Noir 29 which will take you to explore all different possibilities of tea fragrance and understand tea can sometimes change to another way for its show. Tea will not be always tea but something else. Are your ready?