
1798年12月19日 倫敦·肯特郡

Kent, London, 19 December 1798.



It is a silent cold night in Kent Shire of Great London, but the heavy rain like a blade to break the beauty. The clop from the end of the road now is a kind of drastic symphony as the overture of the foul and bloody clash. The thick whisky shock from Tom Ford is my conflict sorrow as being the Duke of Kent. I had once tried to scramble for diplomatic power in House of Lords year ago by forcing my elder daughter Charlottee to marry to Duke of Canterbury. Sadly, the conflicts threatened in Europe and the power of Napoleon have striken our Kingdom for years. The deterioation of relationship with Kingdom of Prussia even makes King much worried. It seems the next strategy in Europe next year will be focus on the negotiation with Russia. Holy, I cannot let any chance be conferred to Duke Lance for boycotting my wrong diplomatic strategy in Europe this time. The only pwer to balance the new resistance in House of Lords is Queen. Obviously the short cut to achieve it will be Queen's nephew, Marquis George's marriage. If I can suceed to convince Queen to let my Catherine marry to George, the power from Queen's family must help me in the House and Duke Lance will have to make concession to me. Although I know my Catherine has attached with a young man working for British East India Company, I still have to break them up as pure love will never achieve anything in politics. Am I really cruel? Yes, I am but the struggling mood in my deep heart is attacking me which is like the whisky through my throat, very strong but unable to make me drunk.


「公爵大人,夏洛特夫人到了!正在大廳等您。」安德魯先生提著油燈到我書房敲門告知,我急起身往大廳邁去,外交事務已經在上議院傳開了,連已經嫁為公爵夫人的大女兒,也在今夜趕路回來與我討論這心中罣礙,見到她的那刻,我心融化了,安德魯先生端上杯熱肉桂茶給夏洛特暖身,幾年過去了,眼前的夏洛特,早已經從那小女孩變成了一個有韻味的女人,認真孕育著她那兩個可愛的小王子,心裏的悸動就好像煙草烏木香水在離開了濃嗆的威士忌後,當聞道肉桂香時,一股暖甜的熱流衝進心窩,看到自從夏洛特嫁給亨利公爵後,就長居在北英格蘭未能回來,今夜卻又是因家族難題而再見,心中難免惆悵。我和她坐在壁爐兩旁,她神情緊張地問我,「我聽亨利說,議院有新的力量,打算要讓年輕的蘭斯公爵帶頭杯葛您之前的政策?」我沒有多說話,輕啜一口手上那杯威士忌,壁爐裡的柴火劈哩啪啦的響,爐火把夏洛特白色裙襬上的蕾絲照得亮黃,我杯子裡面的威士忌和夏洛特手上的肉桂茶香,正火烈熱情地飄送而來,奇妙的卻是沒有攻擊性,因為在此時此刻,那鮮香清新的芫荽籽,被用來代表了冬夜的冷,也對映著我內心的無奈與夏洛特的失落 。隨著肉桂香與些許辛香感,堆疊壓蓋過前面的威士忌酒醇後,終究空氣中的暖意還是漸漸升起,夏洛特衣服上那被雨水浸濕的印漬也開始逐漸淡去。是的,我的沉默其實已經告訴了夏洛特答案,所以她的神情更為黯然,這是種失落,她原以為她的犧牲已經換得一帆風順,也開始對於自己的婚姻與生活釋懷,但如今局勢應該也使她猜出我的想法,「所以現在,父親您想怎麼做?」夏洛特還是問了,「我想凱薩琳應該也到了可以和妳一樣擁有幸福的時候了!」我斬釘截鐵地說了我的決定,當父親的何嘗不掙扎難過,這兩個小女都是我的心頭肉,但終究女孩大了,也終該有個婚姻與子嗣,只不過在這個大時代下,流著皇室貴族血液的宿命,便是說身不由己,或是更準確地說,這才是在這豺狼虎豹的皇室鬥爭中,唯一的生存之道!


"Duke, Duchess Charlottee is awaiting for you in the chamber" Andrew came to my reading room to remind my daughter's arrival. I rush to the chamber to see my little girl Charlotte, who also noted the rumor in House of Lords. She comes home tonight anxiouly and I know what she wants to talk. Andrew brings a cup of hot cinnamon tea to Charlotte. At this moment, I can clearly smell the whisky scent blended with warm cinnamon which is same as my excited emotion in my heart when I see my gorgeous daughter, Charlotte. She has turned to a beautiful woman from the little pretty princess and owned the two cute kids since she married to Duke Henry and moved to North England.  It is so ironic that our first reunion after her marriage is for the politic crisis again. We sit face to face on the chairs next to the fireplace. Charlotte looks so anxious and asks me, "Is it true that the new power in House would like to challenge you? I heard from Henry that young Lance would like to boycott your Europe diplomatic proposal as a wrong policy soon." I did not respond but take a sip of whisky in my hand. The fire in the fireplace is spectacular now and enlightening the white lace of Charlottee's dress. The warmness of Tom Ford Tobacco Oud from the heart note of cinnamon and some spicies exactly narrates this moment. Surprisingly it is not offensive while the fresh and cooler coriander seed would gently ease the strength in the performance which represents my loss and Charlotte's disappointment in this cold winter night. However, the warm temperature still comes to me by the scents of cinnamon and some sparkling whisky. When the wetness on Charlotte clothes is gradually dried, I ask Andrew to take my cigarette from my reading room. Charlotte is a smart girl so she understands my plan. "Father, can you firmly tell me what you intend to do?" Her tone is totally different now as she seems very disappointed. "I think it is the time to let your sister, Catherine enjoy the same happiness like you possess now." These words are just like a sword hurting Charlotte though she has well prepared. I am also sarrowful to make such a decision. I truly love the two girls but still have to make some correct choices for them. If you would like to protest, I may still firmly say, it is the destiny of royal blood. The only way to survive is "to be without exception".

我手上的菸,淡淡地散發著菸草的香氣,壁爐裡的火帶出來的木質香,和湯姆福特煙草烏木相同,濃濃的檀香與菸草香,在我和夏洛特都靜默了那時刻,陣陣輕輕柔柔地感染著我們兩個。「夏洛特夫人,您的茶涼了,我幫您換上一杯吧!」這靜默凝結的空氣,是由安德魯來打破了,夏洛特深吸一口氣,眼神依舊無法掩蓋她的失落,「凱薩琳不如我,她不會甘心這樣嫁給喬治侯爵的。」她們姊妹的感情深厚,夏洛特很了解凱薩琳的個性,「我知道,但若皇后決定了這檔婚事,就沒有所謂甘心與否的問題。更何況,喬治侯爵也清楚地在上次商會宴席中表示,他對凱薩琳的傾心,這是現在我們唯一可以有勝算的一步棋」我沒有把當晚凱薩琳遇見愛德華那年輕小夥子的事情告訴夏洛特,畢竟夏洛特應該是要為了大局而協助我,讓她知道太多並沒有太多幫助,最後若因為她的婦人之仁而成不了大局,便會是我們整個家族的崩落,我告訴她,我需要亨利公爵在皇后面前提及喬治侯爵對凱薩琳的意思,她知道沒有拒絕我的權利,沈默地凝視著爐火。夏洛特再喝了一口茶,和我提起,她很懷念以前春天時,在莊園裡嬉鬧的時光,有好多時候都是兩姐妹在一起,而且黏膩圍繞在公爵父親身邊打鬧的歡笑聲,回憶那段時間,那童真的笑容似乎又掛在夏洛特的臉龐,那純真可愛的笑容,真的只有夏洛特才有,溫柔婉約的樣子,像極了湯姆福特煙草烏木底蘊的那股柔軟感,那股魔力一瞬間,會在暖甜的檀香與菸草中,滑順地偷偷加入一點點廣藿香氣,那亮點像極了當我一晚看到夏洛特的笑容,一下就把我也帶回過去的甜蜜回憶之中,讓我再次看到我懷念許久的兩個小天使,那美麗瞬間,就是那香水核心 - 烏木,那是我最在乎的夏洛特與凱薩琳,他們孩提時的樣子逗得我心醉!如同煙草烏木這罐香水的後調,一樣會讓你我難忘。


The cigarrette in my hand delivers some warm tobacco scent to me, and the woody smell from the fireplace also dances with the tobacco. In Tom Ford Tobacco Oud perfume, the combination of tobacco and sandalwood is same as the feeling I am encountering in the chamber now. The silence between Charlotte and me was filled with such a nice scent. How beautiful. "Duchess Charlotte, may I have you with another cup of hot tea? Yours Grace." Andrew is quite considerable to take care everything around us. Charlotte nods to him and takes a deep breath. I know she is quite disappointed of my decision. "Catherine will not agree to it as she is more independant than me. She will not marry to Marquis George I believe". Sounds reasonable as they two sisters understand each other, and of course so am I. "Surely you are right, but it will be nothing about the personal inclination if Queen confers the marriage for them. Even Marquis George expressed that he indeed inclines to our Catherine in the dinner last time. Everything proves it is feasible, isn't it?" I decide not to tell Charlotte about the secret relationship between Catherine and the young guy, Edward. Charlotte may turn to help her sister which will be totally out of my expectation. I need her help to achieve my political position in House of Lords and never allow any failure. Charlotte knows my resolution now so she starts to recall all her childhood memories to me. She likes the time when they two sisters were playing in the courtyard and how they enjoyed being spoiled by me. When she finds the joy in the sweet momories, her smile on the face charms me so much and melts my coldness. It is same as the patchuli discreetly comes to my nose in the base of the perfume show. The magic power therefrom immediately brings me back to those memories at once. Charlotte is unique and Tom Ford Tobacco Oud actually keeps her well in my mind. In the memories, I indeed find my most beautiful two little girls. Tom Ford Tobacco Oud depicts them as the most lovely portraits which stay in my mind forever.




Wonderful. However, the crack sound of porcelain out of chamber is just like the thunder in the dark night. It breaks up and ends up all the beauties. Who is that? Oh my God, it's Catherine. I think the marriage arrangement news shocks her so much. At this moment, I turn to cold and firmly make my decision which again shocks Charlotte at this moment. She has no idea about the future but the fact proves to her that all the memories can be sealed by Tom Ford Tobacco Oud although she knew it in fact exists in this big house. Her poor sister.


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