我不想評論香水,因為我不是多了不起跟多高深經驗與才能的香水評論家;但我想說每一個香味的故事,因為我相信每一瓶香水都有一個屬於自己的故事,它讓香水變得很美,更顯得有活力!在2018年歲末年終之際,調香師Jutinat Piyaweerawong 先生推出了PROAD新的作品,英國茶 (English Tea),相信很多人之前就已經有參加過當初那"五茗心歡"的限量香水活動,收到過那罐特別的英國茶,現在想說這不是冷飯熱炒的做法嗎?我不知道在香氣上面是不是有做任何調整,但就正式推出的新作品上,不管是瓶身設計或是香水表現上,我都非常喜歡那種典雅帶出來的高貴,簡單的黑色標籤與銀灰色的字體,加上書寫體的作品名,還有真實呈現所有英國茶的香氣變化,再再表現出老師的藝術感,我再次折服了。

I am not in attempt to judge any perfume while I am not the professional and disciplined commentator; yet, I intend to narrate a specific story to each of my favorite scents while it makes them alive and vivid in my private closet. In the end of 2018, the perfumer, Mr. Jutinat Piyaweerawong would like to bring up the latest PROAD perfume, English Tea to the market. I trust many Taiwanese fans having had this sepcial perfume when they participated in the sales of limited edition from MITH Five Teas gift packs in early 2018. Fans will probably doubt it is kind of old wine in the new bottle trick. Actually, I have no idea if perfumer did some adjustment in this new release. So far forth as the outer appearance, I personally love the bottle design which is with simple black label and silver words even the script of the name on the perfume. Furthermore, it truly present the changes of English tea. I have no choice but admit in being come over by the classical elegance belonging to perfumer's art temperament and attitude.



When the top note of "English Tea" came to my nose at the very first time, I was very excited about the familiar feeling which was extremely not the shade or replacement of other works in different perfume brands but the memories in my deep heart. The bergamot delivered by "English Tea" posted a spetacular vortex with warm temperature to me. It is the hot steam brought by the English Breaskfast Tea in boiling water running to my nose. Don't be afraid that it would be here today and there tomorrow. The warmness is continually and safely with us. I was suddenly brought back to 10 years ago (2008) when I went to Wales, UK for postgraduate. That was an autumn morning. When I was walking on the campus road for my tutor's room as a seminar had been scheduled at the night before, the bright sunshine directly sprayed on the fallen maples leaves along the road. However, I could not be eased by the romance in this season due to the horrifying meeting with professor. The tutor is a traditional English gentleman in his 70s. I still remember he gently and softly answered the door, "come in" when I stood in front of his office and knocked the door. Upon opening the door, I smelt the bergamot warmness from that kettle of hot English put on the table in the corner of his office. The tutor's smile together with the warm bergamot was sweet, touched and considerable so I was with some relief a bit. He passed me over a cup of hot tea and told me not forget to have some tea in the morning.



It was the tutor's favorite tea. I still kept in my mind that in the past, there was a key under Duchess custody. According to my advisor in my languange pressesional course, the key is for the tea box with Duchess' favorite tea. While the Duchess deemed the visitor as an important guest, she would ask the servant to take out the tea box containing the best tea for boiling the tea in her highest treatment. Nowadays, when you are treated by host with his or her best tea, it means you are deemed an important friend or requested to discuss something important. As a student being treated by tutor's favorite tea, I had some bad feeling. Contrarily, the tutor explained to me that he appreciated my essay so much and hoped to invite me for a tea time to have a plesant academic discussion. Finally I could freely and easily talk about my opinions as a friend of tutor. It was very relax but not sloven in this good chatting. "English Tea" by this perfumer built up the atmosphere of relax in tasting tea without pressure. When the top note of bergamot cooled down for the heart note, the ease released from tea was clearly sent to me. It was not the hot tea in the cup anymore but still midly warm. It is alike that when you are happily chatting with others on the table, you will sip some warm tea and say something freely to your listener. Even the slight bitter taste is also well performed in "English Tea", you will still have positive comment to this show because you have already been immersed and enjoyed therein.



In the overseas life, I enjoyed the lingering charm of tea scent on my coat. Not mentioning in autumn, the trees with withered and yellowed leaves soughed by the wind. When leaves fell on the ground, the scenery was always a bit bleak. Sometimes, I sensitively missed my hometown and the loneliness would be catalyzed in such a season. Then the lingering charm from the tea scent on the shirt and coat indeed gave me a soft, warm and gentle hug. The consolation therefrom hinted me that I had ever never felt lonely because the sweet memories from English tea still helped me to keep the link with my home. It could probably be the factor that all English tea is still produced by Asian countries. Although the local traditional tea in my hometown is not same as English tea, the purity and warmness are almost the same to touch my heart. There are always many contradictions in humanity. I was trying to find out the temperature and sweet from English tea in 10 years ago but have saught my lovely living memories in UK from Chinese tea now. I enjoy the treat by PROAD English Tea so much as I am totally astonished and charmed from the magnificent and spetacular performance in top note to the elegant fascination at the base. It never deliberately disguises the show and pretends to any other manner. I just fall in love with its long lasting soft tea scent on my clothes in my daily life as it brings me a certain of romance without doubt.   




It is absolutely a lifestyle when we are having a cup of tea, and how to appreciate the art thereof can be made through tasting. I am not sure how talent I can be or what skills I cultivated in tasting the tea philosophy; yet, I have already earned the precious and valuable ability in insight of tea. Why not having a try to seek your potential for a unique life so long as your belief here is worthily explored. 

後記:我一直喜歡嘗試在各種香味中,利用揉香的方式去找到自己的特色與個性,一次單純又生趣的利用老師另一個牌子MITH 的琥珀馨香,配上這支純粹的茶香味時,兩個迥異不同調性的香味,竟然出乎意料的相互融合;那琥珀香氣在前導的表現上,更突出了英國茶一開始的佛手柑香味,讓佛手柑表現更為亮眼與立體,但當兩支香氣慢慢地切磋磨合之後,茶香趨向成為那浪漫的背景,來襯托琥珀香的曼妙舞姿。我想我該止步了,讓你有機會去試試找出自己喜歡的茶香嘉年華!

N.B.: I also like to have different approaches in scent combination since it helps me to find out my unique characteristic and personality. In a fortuitous occasion, I took the perfumer's another brand MITH to combine the scent with "English Tea" which is named "Ambre Noir". The performance from the two different scents gave me a huge shock in terms of the dramatical changes of the scents. In the very beginning, the amber did push the bergamot to brighter level but later, English Tea went back to be the background for polishing the amber and steped up the romance to me. I think I shall stop here and let you have more time to explore your carnival in English Tea.

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