在調香師Jutinat Piyaweerawong的作品中,我最愛的就是他的木質香調作品,輕柔又有重量感的表現真的讓人很難忘懷,而琥珀馨香對我來說,真不是第一眼美女,更不是相親之緣,但他卻是在老師的木質香調作品中,我愛到心坎裡的一支香水,這讓我想到2018年年初,泰國GMMTV製作的電視劇,愛我再親親我劇中,由New Thitipoon飾演的Kao,劇中那樣柔情愛著心裡面那位愛打架鬧事的漢子Pete (由Tawan Vihokratana主演)。
Among the perfumes made by Mr. Jutinat Piyaweerawong, I put his woody scents as my most favorite rank since the woody shows are not too heavy but gentle with touching charateristic to me. Ambre Noir is not a very shinny superstar among these woody perfumes even not a princess with royal blood waiting for marriage to other nobles. However, it is the one I love so much. Even months passed, I am still reminded by this perfume of the TV series, Kiss Me Again made by GMMTV in Thailand early 2018. The role Kao acted by New Thitipoon stays beside with the irritable and bad tempered Pete (acted by Tawan Vihokratana) by his soft and affectionate love.
In "Kiss Me Again", Kao and Pete disliked and offended each other. Kao once murmured that," I am really not in the same world with this guy", but still could not deceive his heart from his affectionate eye expression to bully Pete. In Ambre Noir top note, the black pepper is Kao's harsh words to irritate Pete which can efficiently attract Pete's attention. Frankly, he was totally with Pete even he tried to use more harsh words in thier fights. After then, he could not stop loving this guy. It is the charm of ambergris in this fragrance to tolerate the spice of pepper which is like Kao's soft heart covering his harsh words against Pete. The truly sensetive ambergris finally comes over the pepper and makes it compromised. At this stage, the scent is quite strong and passionate. The stimulation therefrom is so direct without covering which is the men's love alike, totally exclusive from maverick and envy.
It was very bitter while neither Kao nor Pete was willing to say sorry. They were all deceiving to their hearts at that time so Kao could not express his true feeling out. Pete's ex-girlfriend even came to approach Kao for help as she wanted to go back with Pete. It was a thorn to Kao's heart. He could not retort to her by his love but agreed to involve in the relationship among these three people. He believed the involvement could keep him having interaction with Pete although most of which were still fights. Such a chuckle happiness indeed came from the "help" to this rival. The heart note of Ambre Noir is kind of bitter element. The mild black coffee scent is Kao's true feeling when he knows the intention of Pete’s ex girlfriend but the ambergris as his real love extending from top note still conquers after all. Surpringly, the scent of ambergris with black coffee make the perfume present stay in a very warm and bright level. Furthermore, with the affiliation of coffee smell, the performance of this perfume turns to stable without too much aggressive impulse. See, it's Kao, who has less fights with Pete and calms himself more for the clearer thoughts to his owned heart.
I really love the base note performance of Ambre Noir because its harmonization with skin and soft manner are rearly seen in woody perfumes. Generally, we can easily find strong, heavy and attacktive woody scents in market but seldomly get the philosophy of Tai Chi therein (soften power overwhalmingly comes over the strenth). Ambre Noir is the exception which the musk and amber are so light and soft. You may worry about the warmness in the end. The vetiver is the trigger to make the warm element roll up. Same as Kao, when he understood Pete also loves him whilst he was kissed by Pete at that night, he decided to fight back by some tricks. Meantime, he also wanted to ascertain if Pete was sincere or just a play for curiosity. He rejected to be hurt again. How to cope with this doubt? Surely the insipid reaction could be one way. The time will give the answer to both of them. However, Kao was not really to give up this relationship with Pete. He just used some trick but still kept his heart warm for caring about Pete. This is the magic vetiver which brings up a little warmness only but enlighten the perfume as perfect work.
Ambre Noir is a next-doored gentleman which is like Kao in "Kiss Me Again". Most people are easily into his gentle personality. I know there should be a perfume representing Pete. Of course it is, and even it will be perfect to combine with Ambre Noir. When Kao is with Pete, it is wonderful so we can wait for the following stories about Pete...
(Part of photos are from website of GMMTV and fans photos. Please kindly advise if any offensive concern is arisen from copyright.)