
出生在蘇格蘭北方小鎮的Clive Christian,從小看著那片時常蒙著霧氣的北海,還有情有獨鍾的東方文化,長大後,他依舊喜歡這種獨特衝突卻又協調的特質,因此於倫敦都會的設計師生活中,從歌劇、藝術博物館、美術館,和那些愜意的都會公園,每個獨立卻又協調的各種特色,形成了多樣性的倫敦都會;因此,他突然發現,他也要創作一種同時有衝突,但又協調的香氣,代表著倫敦,更代表著他心中那個藝術靈魂。

Being born in a small town of northern Scotland, Clive Christian liked to gaze the foggy Northern Sea in his choldhood. At the same time, he enjoyed and appreicated the oriental cultures so much. He was still enthusiastic to this kind of conflict which was however homonic after moving to London metropolitan. When he was a designer in London, the theatres, art museums, galleries and those peaceful parks are unique features to cause the sensation to Clive. Therefore, he tried to make a special scent like London City, containing all kinds of conflicts but the homonic feeling will come up simultaneously. This scent is representing London and Clive's artist soul which must touch your heart.


那帶著苦味的嗆辣柔性,是這支香水的開端,也是它要告訴你的衝突美,正如Clive感覺到的衝突感,它用粉紅胡椒來表示L Floral Chyress的開端,這種嗆辣並不是潑辣,而是種率性的特質,多少現代女性,已經不願意再活在其他人的期待下,更不願意低頭於承受社會價值給的框架,那些女孩子本應柔順嬌弱,小鳥依人,甚至身材纖細等刻板印象,在L Floral Chyress中,都在在告訴著我們,女性更應該勇敢地活出自己的價值,可以很強勢,但不是具有攻擊性。誰說嬌弱軟泥的樣子就是女人?其實堅毅自信的女人,反而更有魅力!在這罐香水的前味中,調香師正是用這種方式告訴著用香者,不要害怕,更不要低估自己,那些跟女性有衝突的特質,用在身上反而更顯現出自己的獨特魅力與性感!

Blended with the bitter spices, the beginning of L Floral Chyress is so soft but very hard. Is it very conflict? Yes, it is and also super homonized. Such a beauty comes from the wonderful pink pepper and decorates by floral scents. The performance is very spicy but not spiteful. Like many modern women nowadays, they do not surrender to the stereotype or disguise themselves as others' expectation. Mostly the traditional images to women are those beautiful girls with charateristics of being frail and tender, even people would demand them to be very skinny. Yet, in L Floral Chypress, Clive encouraged women to be yourself bravely. The value of you is only created by yourself rather than others. It doesn't mean you have to an offensive woman but be aggressive to what you concern. In fact, women with self confidence are always more attractive. In this fragrance, perfumer just used this way to illustrate what he thought about a successful woman in city. Then you may start to use this perfume to make yourself more sexy.


艷麗的鳶尾花,是女性那深邃不見底的魅力,雖它不如其他白花香那樣柔軟濃豔,但卻多了一股知性美。正如我們生活中,經過那些種種生活歷練之後,智慧在女性的人生紀錄表上面,留下的種種刻畫,這些歲月累積出來的知性美,不是某件高價亮麗的洋裝可以穿出來的,更不是哪顆閃爍耀眼的鑽戒可以襯托出來的;相反地,是那種從內散發出來的俐落感,讓人覺得驚豔,甚至征服著無數男性的武器。L Floral Chypress的衝突感真的無所不在,Clive不願再用玫瑰、茉莉等花香來代表女性的魅力,在粉紅胡椒這樣的嗆香後,大膽地用鳶尾花來表現女性的知性柔,塑造出一種,越是讓人看不透的女性,更是讓人覺得想要多了解、多認識!Clive的藝術,又再次告訴著所有現代女性,勇敢為自己增加自己的知性吧!

The gorgerous orris is woman's deep sexy in this perfume. Although the beauty therefrom is not like the soft feature of white flowers, the rational beauty from orris is unique and not replaceable. In our life, those experiences women went through are the nutritions to make them grow up. The wisdom from these traces enriches women's lives. This kind of attraction is not from a beautiful dress or a shinny diamond. Contrarily, this well-executed beauty is from women's true heart which can be much sparkling or even a sharp weapon to conquer more men. L Floral Chypress is always conflict but homonic all the time. Clive declined to use rose or jasmin to represent female attraction so after the spice of pink pepper, the orris was appliced to be as the rational sexy features of a modern wise woman. It may make a woman be more mysterious. This unique art created by Clive indeed encourage all women to be brave in being yourselves.



當妳都懂,人生的價值,全憑自己的揮灑而亮眼,妳或許覺得在洪流中與大家一般沒有甚麼不好,但若妳身體裡有那麼一點反骨的靈魂,或是有那麼一點不願意向世俗低頭,妳可以是個怪美的女孩,更可以是個更有自信的現代女人!當L Floral Chypress的味道來到後調時,Clive並不打算停止衝突的美感表現,廣藿香的堅毅就亮麗登場了,這廣藿香不是刺鼻難耐的中藥感,相反地,是種獨立自主的柔順女性表現,在胡椒、鳶尾等素材所帶出來的另種女性美,廣藿香反而在這時候,無法如男性般的剛硬,卻意外地帶出因為了解自己,而自然自在地產生屬於自我的獨特魅力,那香氣始終沒有大家所期待的那種鄰家女孩般的柔情,但也因為這些對立感,讓這支香水更屬於那些不想做作的女孩,正如蔡依林在數年後發現,唯有做自己才能真正地釋放自己,怪美的又如何?因為妳就是妳...

Whilst you have known every details of personal value in life, the shine sparkling from your endeavor is powerful and nothing wrong. You probably think being same as others is nothing bad as well. However, listen to your heart and find out if there is anything in your deep inside trying to wake youself up. You can be a unique beauty from a confident performance. When the base note of L Floral Chypress comes to the olfaction, patchuli is the insistance from Clive's art which shows up the persistent characteristic in an independent female soft way instead of strong herbal performance. After pepper and orris for the special female pheromone, patchuli in the base note is not a male sharp but a low profile rational attraction. In fact, the scent from this perfume never comes with the next-door little girl alike performance. On the other hand, this perfume is totally for those girls who reject to be fake. It is proved by the famous female singer, Jolin Tsai, who now enjoys being herself so much even you may disagree to her philosophy, but the ugly beauty is undeniable.


勇敢做自己吧!和Clive Christain一起在生活中找到屬於自己的魅力。

Hey, just to be brave. You may find your attraction in your life as Clive Christian.

部分圖片來自於Clive Christian官網與美妝雜誌,若有版權問題敬請聯繫筆者。

Part of photos come from official website of Clive Christian and fashion magazine. If some copyright concerns occur, please kindly contact the writer.


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