

That is a horribly busy Wednesday life. As being a team leader in marketing duty, I am not only to deal with all pressures put by managers but also to play all kinds of stratagems with team members. Time goes to the late afternoon, the breeze blowing from outside through the window slightly ease my tense since it indeed takes all negative complaints away from this office. I was almost out of control but luckily the breeze gently makes me relax a bit.


那股綠色清新香氣,是薰衣草森林與苦薄荷綠融合出來的美感,是Lush Dirty給我的第一眼印象,表現很順又高雅,像是微風從窗外吹進來,安慰著工作已累的自己,放鬆緊繃不已的情緒。但這確實不是仙氣一般的空靈表現,而是像在極悶濕口渴的煩躁中,來一杯冰涼的檸檬水一般的解放,很實際且扎扎實實。

The green and fresh scent is the beautiful painting drawn by a bundle of lavender and mint. The top note of Lush Dirty is very carefree and joyous, and it is the characteristic of breeze alike out of the window to comfort and release my tense mood. Can you imagine the feeling of having a cool lemonade in a humid hot day? It’s the same as my first impression of smelling the top note at the very first moment.



It’s almost the time to call my day off when I notice the reminder of our confidante dinner. I am really looking forward to this dinner with my three best friends. We actually enjoy being single although we are at the age of relationship or even marriage. Yet, we are all in attempt to achieve ourselves rather than being trapped in complex sexual fights. We like to share our lives one another and express our thoughts without covering or pretending since we really hate the fake expression, unnecessary competition and useless consolation.


Lush Dirty很直接,完全不用太多的其他陪襯元素來表現香氣,在最初的清新後,火力就更強烈的加速薰衣草與苦薄荷香,讓這種強烈的表現且相當個性的表現,意外地是來自於橙花精油的元素,而非其他更強烈的香料;順著精油的感覺,不知不覺中讓人覺得放鬆,也卸下無謂的面具。這樣的中味很直率,讓我覺得就像在工作後,坦率地開始做自己,和朋友談八卦、話人生。那薰衣草香加上一點微微的橙花精油與直率的薄荷,溫柔敦厚而且圓融,就好像是有身邊幾個好友的真誠陪伴,彼此間沒有競爭與心機,而是關心體貼與陪伴。

The performance of Lush Dirty is very straight without too many complications. Changing from the fresh scent, the natural essential oil from neroli accelerates the performance, especially the lavender and mint are much more vivid in this stage. It’s very like my personality in showing myself when I am having dinner with my three best friends. Nothing should be hidden and all about us are just sharing as best companions. 


忙碌的工作、和好友的陪伴與晚餐,這樣的充實一天,也依舊在夜深了之後,悄悄地即將畫上句點,隻身回到房間後,迫不及待地想要可以泡個精油浴,之後再放鬆地躺在柔軟舒適的床鋪上閱讀晚安書,最後進入夢鄉好好為隔天繼續奮鬥而準備!這個小週末的確是個享受,或許可以稱之為小確幸吧!同樣的感覺,在Lush Dirty的表現可以找到線索,柔軟的精油香氣,慢慢轉換成一種和順的皂香感,很像沐浴後,放鬆倒在床上很舒服地閱讀那般,幽幽淡淡的圍繞在身上,像是一雙溫柔的雙臂環繞著,是說這罐香水有木質檀香在,我個人是沒有太明顯地聞到,但反而這樣的表現更凸顯出最後乾淨簡單的香氣與藝術感。

The day will still be ended up when I come back my room after the busy works, joyful chat and delicious dinner. Tonight I want to have a bath rather than a simple hot shower. With the nice scent from Lush Dirty, I can obviously feel the change from essential oil alike to kind of soap clean in base note. Since I like to have a reading on my soft bed before sleep, I find the same atmosphere in base note of Lush Dirty. It can be described as a pair of warm arms hugging me whilst I am enjoying the private lovely time before turning off the lamp. By the way, someone told me that Sandalwood is also one of the elements in this perfume. Although I indeed do not see the clue of it, I prefer having such performance as the purity therein is my ideal.



Note: I heard a story about the name of this perfume, Dirty. It comes from the perfumer’s inspiration once he wanted to find a scent which could fully cover the dirty smell after a lazy day. In my experience, if such a idea is put on the humid and hot summer, it won’t be a good idea to spray all bottle of Lush Dirty to cover the sweat smell. Interesting... isn’t it?


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