
寫了幾篇不同國家的香氛後,我想到一個讓自己舒心又放鬆的好居家香氛味道。他來自於台灣,一個很文青又有質感的香氣,店面藏在台北東區的寧靜小巷裡,店裡充滿小奢華又內斂的香氛創意性,Wish Tree,我喜歡創作者的初衷 - 讓每一個愛好香氛的人,都可以找到自己最喜愛的味道,也因為每個人的香氛主觀意識,創作者必須不斷找尋單一個人喜歡的本命香,不惜成本與時間耗費,寧可重複做同樣的動作,也要讓客人只加台幣100元就可以客製蠟燭香氣,這點我由衷佩服,我還沒有客製過,所以不便分享。但我仍舊喜歡他一開始的創作作品,其中海鹽與甜橙,把我帶離了城市喧囂,來到讓人放鬆的度假沙灘。

After composing a couple of different fragrances, some special good fragrance which makes me relax so much comes to my mind. The Wish Tree candle is a handmade brand in Taiwan. Its cosy retail store is just located in a small lane with a kind of literary and artistic creation power. When I opened the door of Wish Tree, the low profile luxury atmosphere with modern creation attracted my eyes at the first time. Having a long chat with the owner, I noted he would rather spending more time and energy to seek customers' favorite scents. He said that although it would take him long time to complete each customized candle, he is still willing to help every customer if he or she would pay NT$100 more to him. I admired him so much but I cannot have any share here as I have never tried this service yet. However, I would like to introduce the classic performance of Sea Salt & Orange.


熙熙攘攘的人流中,往往我們忽略了街邊的景色,更可怕的,我們也忽視了那些愛我們的人!Wish Tree的海鹽與甜橙,他散發出來的那股放鬆的海洋風,再加上一股清新的柑橘甜香,味道很舒心,彷彿在告訴你,放慢你的腳步,回頭看看那個在你背後默默支持你的真心,太累了是嗎?休息是為了要創作出更美的下一篇章,我喜歡那香氣中釋放出來的海洋感,很像換上輕便的衣著,在一個沒有很多人擁擠的沙灘上,遮陽傘下攤放著一本書,你伸了一個大大的懶腰,深呼一口氣後,在那溫度剛好的季節裡,赤腳走在細綿的白沙上,步步接近沙灘椅,海風微微的吹,一點都不冷,破浪的聲音涮涮的一波一波傳到耳邊,海灘上天真爛漫的孩童嬉戲聲,這是一首很悅耳的大自然協奏曲,陽光耀眼地照射在海面上,這是一幅美畫,是Wish Tree海鹽與甜橙創作出來的巨作。

Living in the busy and crowded city, we have overlooked too much in our lives. Do you find that there is someone you've ignored for a period of time? Come to use Sea Salt & Orange of Wish Tree that can help you to catch them up back us. When I smelt the scent of Sea Salt & Orange, a relax oceanic blue cool came along to me. It directly took me to the beach. The blue scent would make you immediately change the casual wearing without nervous mood. The beach is not crowded and a book is just on the chair under the parasol. You stretch yourself and breathe deeply before walking on the soft white sand. The breeze comes from the ocean and touches gently on your face. It is not cold but mild warm. The sound of wave patting with children's laughing around the beach is the orchestral music, and the sun shines the sea brightly. You sit on the chair and take the book on your hand. It is a beautiful painting drawn by Sea Salt & Orange of Wish Tree.



It is not a lonely trip at the beach. The most happiest moment is with the one who you care about. The two cups of special blended cocktail created a certain of romance to you two. The smile is sweet too. The cocktail is mainly sweet with a bit sour which is likely illustrating your relationship. The sour is the initial feeling when you two met each other, and the sweet is the happiness you two get along with. The romance provided by the beach is the gift granted to you two. You may wish the time will stop over here so that the happy moment can be extended longer. Now, we are lucky that it is not necessary to spend so much money creating the romance. From the candle of Sea Salt & Orange, the mild sweet orange scent is the like the cocktail to enlighten the beautiful blue scent. Let's have a nice chat with the one you care about most.


繁忙的都會工作後,別忘了放鬆自己與和在乎的人多對話,偶而用香氣轉換心情,並多花點時間和家人、朋友與愛人相處,這是Wish Tree的海鹽與甜橙給我的!同時也順道推說,平權道路的最後一哩路,不管你我是否一樣,每一個人需要的,就是在一樣的世界裡,有公平的權利擁有屬於自己的空間,自由地說出自己的在乎,自在地傳遞最真實的情感,相信這也是Wish Tree想和大家分享的心情,讓我們台灣的品牌走出去,也讓我們台灣的友善飄揚在世界的每個角落。

We have no choice but to struggle for survival in cities. Never forget to treat yourself better and care about those you love. We need the love from our family, friends and partners. The spirit of Wish Tree Sea Salt & Orange taught me know how important it is. As we are going to have a referendum for LGBT marriage legislation in our civil law, we believe all of us should be equally free in the same world. I believe Wish Tree also intend to deliver and share the spirit to us. We may not only be proud of our owned brand and also spread the precious kindness and justice to the world.



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