詩人Christopher Poindexter曾這麼寫著詩「當我不在妳身邊時,兩人相隔的距離便是我唯一感到惱人的事;每當窗外的那道完美陽光,灑進我的房間時,妳的倩影總是這樣繽紛,而那咖啡的香味就像妳一般朝我襲來。我好想妳,即使妳就在我身邊;我總是夢到妳,即使妳就正在我臂膀裡沉睡著。那些我說著愛妳的言語,都無法完全表達我的心意,我想,該是我們要一起創造新詞來表達我們彼此的愛了。」這樣的濃烈愛意,是每個熱戀中的男女心中的感受,總是無法完全表達心裡對彼此的那種熾熱,如果可以,或許一個新詞,或是一種香氣,可以來讓熱戀的他們,更加溫也更為甜蜜。

The poet Christopher Poindexter once said, "Whenever I am away from you, the distance between us a burdensome thing, I always think of you in colours, the smell of coffee as you so proudly make it for me, the perfect sunlight spilling in through the window. I miss you even when you are beside me. I dream of your body even when you are sleeping in my arms. The words I love you could never enough. I suppose we'll have to invent new ones." It is the exact inner feelings of those couples who just fall in relationship. The passion to each other is always unable to be described in words. If available, a new word or new fragrance may resolve this problem and add more sweets to these new lovebirds.


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