1798年12月19日 倫敦·肯特郡

Kent, London, 19 December 1798.


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1798年11月27日 倫敦.肯特郡

Kent, London on 27 November, 1798.


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There are only 41 nights for the end of 2018, but we have left one another for 255 days. We stopped at the proper time without too much unnecessary yoke. Inadvertently I heard the touching love song in this rainy night with beautiful scent from Diptyque Tempo, it brings me back to the memory of our travel in New Orleans, where enriched my expection on our relationship and helped us to assure our vows. Although we still unfortunately broke up, all the good aspects are still in my deep heart to accompany me to achieve my own life.


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That is a horribly busy Wednesday life. As being a team leader in marketing duty, I am not only to deal with all pressures put by managers but also to play all kinds of stratagems with team members. Time goes to the late afternoon, the breeze blowing from outside through the window slightly ease my tense since it indeed takes all negative complaints away from this office. I was almost out of control but luckily the breeze gently makes me relax a bit.


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寫了幾篇不同國家的香氛後,我想到一個讓自己舒心又放鬆的好居家香氛味道。他來自於台灣,一個很文青又有質感的香氣,店面藏在台北東區的寧靜小巷裡,店裡充滿小奢華又內斂的香氛創意性,Wish Tree,我喜歡創作者的初衷 - 讓每一個愛好香氛的人,都可以找到自己最喜愛的味道,也因為每個人的香氛主觀意識,創作者必須不斷找尋單一個人喜歡的本命香,不惜成本與時間耗費,寧可重複做同樣的動作,也要讓客人只加台幣100元就可以客製蠟燭香氣,這點我由衷佩服,我還沒有客製過,所以不便分享。但我仍舊喜歡他一開始的創作作品,其中海鹽與甜橙,把我帶離了城市喧囂,來到讓人放鬆的度假沙灘。

After composing a couple of different fragrances, some special good fragrance which makes me relax so much comes to my mind. The Wish Tree candle is a handmade brand in Taiwan. Its cosy retail store is just located in a small lane with a kind of literary and artistic creation power. When I opened the door of Wish Tree, the low profile luxury atmosphere with modern creation attracted my eyes at the first time. Having a long chat with the owner, I noted he would rather spending more time and energy to seek customers' favorite scents. He said that although it would take him long time to complete each customized candle, he is still willing to help every customer if he or she would pay NT$100 more to him. I admired him so much but I cannot have any share here as I have never tried this service yet. However, I would like to introduce the classic performance of Sea Salt & Orange.


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上課睡覺,下課惹事生非,有著帥帥的臉龐,卻偏偏要有著幾道傷疤才甘願,他就是那個會讓女生尖叫癡迷,男生看了會妒忌的校園惡霸 – Pete,他可以兇悍地擊退惡霸,但就是唯有一個人可以讓他心裡面多一點悸動,但卻沒辦法控制自己,硬要找對方碴,毒舌地激他幾次也開心,他一開始以為那是因為同儕之間或是男人間的競爭,而忽略掉他那迷戀對方的溫柔心。

He is always like a bully in campus, as sleeping in class and having fights with others. He is handsome with a sexy face but some scars arisen from fights are the marks of his fierce personality. Lots of girls are fascinated with him and jealous of each other for him. He is Pete, who can be always on top of others in campus but only yield the obedience to a guy in his class. When he tries to irritate this guy on purpose, he is not intentionally to be enemy but likely to make himself attractive. When he was such a bully to this guy, he supposed it as kind of male competition. However, what he ignored was the crush with this guy.  


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在調香師Jutinat Piyaweerawong的作品中,我最愛的就是他的木質香調作品,輕柔又有重量感的表現真的讓人很難忘懷,而琥珀馨香對我來說,真不是第一眼美女,更不是相親之緣,但他卻是在老師的木質香調作品中,我愛到心坎裡的一支香水,這讓我想到2018年年初,泰國GMMTV製作的電視劇,愛我再親親我劇中,由New Thitipoon飾演的Kao,劇中那樣柔情愛著心裡面那位愛打架鬧事的漢子Pete (由Tawan Vihokratana主演)。

Among the perfumes made by Mr. Jutinat Piyaweerawong, I put his woody scents as my most favorite rank since the woody shows are not too heavy but gentle with touching charateristic to me. Ambre Noir is not a very shinny superstar among these woody perfumes even not a princess with royal blood waiting for marriage to other nobles. However, it is the one I love so much. Even months passed, I am still reminded by this perfume of the TV series, Kiss Me Again made by GMMTV in Thailand early 2018. The role Kao acted by New Thitipoon stays beside with the irritable and bad tempered Pete (acted by Tawan Vihokratana) by his soft and affectionate love.


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