出生在蘇格蘭北方小鎮的Clive Christian,從小看著那片時常蒙著霧氣的北海,還有情有獨鍾的東方文化,長大後,他依舊喜歡這種獨特衝突卻又協調的特質,因此於倫敦都會的設計師生活中,從歌劇、藝術博物館、美術館,和那些愜意的都會公園,每個獨立卻又協調的各種特色,形成了多樣性的倫敦都會;因此,他突然發現,他也要創作一種同時有衝突,但又協調的香氣,代表著倫敦,更代表著他心中那個藝術靈魂。

Being born in a small town of northern Scotland, Clive Christian liked to gaze the foggy Northern Sea in his choldhood. At the same time, he enjoyed and appreicated the oriental cultures so much. He was still enthusiastic to this kind of conflict which was however homonic after moving to London metropolitan. When he was a designer in London, the theatres, art museums, galleries and those peaceful parks are unique features to cause the sensation to Clive. Therefore, he tried to make a special scent like London City, containing all kinds of conflicts but the homonic feeling will come up simultaneously. This scent is representing London and Clive's artist soul which must touch your heart.


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When the train crossed over with the sound from the railway, the kids laughing on the playground in the afternoon of this early summer season brings bright happiness to this small countryside. The breeze in the air starts to be a bit hot and humid but still not make people annoyed. The air is so clear today, and the clouds surrounding on the peak of the mountains decorates the natural painting well. Ho is walking on the road with his bike and singing the pop song which is always played on TV recently. Indeed it is too joyful for him at this moment. The tempo is quite slow and peaceful, sometimes Ho likes this kind of living philosophy.


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微寒的春天週六午後,約翰依約前往馬球俱樂部,那是他習慣和好友消磨時光的好聚會,順便看看他的那匹駿馬,亞當。一身輕鬆俐落的polo衫和線條簡單的馬球褲,配上那頂亮白的鴨舌帽,約翰看起來年輕許多。他坐在那張在角落的桌子上,啜飲著俱樂部剛為他泡好的那壺紅茶,紅茶香隨著蒸氣陣陣撲鼻而來,約翰想起了Le Labo黑茶29的那溫熱暖香,微微帶甜的東方茶香,包和著紅茶杯緣的萊姆清爽,哇!這個週末午後,美呆了!



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We always seek some slow tempo and relax moment in our crazy and busy lives, but more desire therefrom is for the short terms break and stress release. Indeed the stresses we have nowadays are out of our expect or imagination and most of us are under the exposure of suffering emotional distress.


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他從來沒有給過佳芬一句好聽的安慰,每當佳芬在工作上、家庭上,抑或是感情上有些挫折時候,他總是冷靜聽完事情原委之後,冷冷給上幾句建議而已,甚至有時候,還會給佳芬一頭棒喝,讓佳芬真正的痛徹心扉!可偏偏佳芬沒有想過離開這個好朋友,駿凱就是這樣的男孩,不懂他們的人,還總以為駿凱是一個喜歡事事刁難,處處找佳芬碴的壞人!有人這樣形容:若要說駿凱對佳芬的那種狠勁,真的很像Le Labo Tonka 25的一開始感受,強烈的暴衝,但卻好像沒看到違和感!

He never gives sweet words to Penny no matter when she gets problems and frustration in career, family or even relationship. Jim likes to be a silent listener of Penny and then gives some cold words or neutral suggestions, sometimes even a bit harsh comments would be added thereafter. It is not for anything but Penny's true heart only. No doubt Penny cannot lose this good friend. Jim is this kind of good boy to her. For others who do not really understand them, Jim is always misconstrued as a bad man to Penny. The description is going as, "the beginning with impulse of Le Labo Tonka 25 is just like the false impression of Jim in treating Penny. It seems a bit contradictory but sometimes harmonized".


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以香氛蠟燭著名的法國品牌Diptyque,一直以來都是以一種讓人眼花撩亂的手法讓人無法抉擇,最愛的蠟燭是哪一款,即使我自己偏愛木質調到家人笑我是個行動木頭,我依舊無法告訴你,是榛樹,還是杜松,抑或是柏樹!甚至連讓人聽名字會卻步的炭木香,都讓男男女女們無法抗拒他們的美與魅,偏偏還有一顆特別的蠟燭,更是讓我完全無法忽略,略像炭木的香氣,但卻多了一層神秘感與沈穩度,濕潤的感覺再高一些些,他就是Diptyque的John Galliano這顆蠟燭,味道讓我一度如毒癮發作一般,用力努力地狂吸呀⋯⋯


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成立於2009年的泰國香氛品牌,Butterfly,幾乎可以說是泰國香氛的旗艦品牌,甚至在2014年,於清邁成立的Butterfly Collection更是一舉把這泰國獨特的香氛品牌,推向國際舞台上,閃耀至今日。

Being established in 2009, the Thai fragrance brand Butterfly is the pioneer in Thailand nowadays even promoted the new brand Butterfly Collection in Chiangmai in 2014, which directly shines on international stage. Today, it is the beautiful representative of Thailand perfume in market.


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Talking with three different perfumers in three Thai fragrance brands, I saw a couple of charateristics in common. They are very passionate to people and very enthusiastic to their careers. On the other hand, I also find they are different too. No matter what kinds of stories the have or what kinds of life phylosophy they believe, they mainly have thier owned core belief which why they are successful today. William thank for all people who help me in the trip over Bangkok this March so I could meet up these three perfumers to appreciate their living philosophy. Just let me to have an explicit talk about this aspect.


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I always have a bad habit in my life, enjoy new but hate old. It is definitely a terrible devil in life which even has trapped me in fragrance candles. In my house, there are too many candles in shelves so that all my family members as well as friends doubted the candle is the source of my nutrition. How could it make me so bad? Just simply the curiosity kills a cat while I like to lid up the candle and observe what will happen in the space and my mood. While I cannot quite such a bad habit in collecting candles like a playboy, I decided to be the evilest bad guy from the Karmakamet Aromatic Wax Melt.

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第一次遇見PAWIS 是在台北三大水門市偶然相遇的,它那優雅簡單的線條組成的圖騰,還有那粗長的擴香竹但卻飄散著淡雅的清香,這樣對比的特色是我的深刻印象。這次去到曼谷,藉著三大水的介紹與推薦,我認識了這個品牌,才知道這個2016年才成立的品牌,有著這些高規格的質感後,很難不多看一眼。

The first meet with PAWIS fragrance was in The shop of San Da Shui Taipei. The elegant and simple strips compose the wonderful logo, and the thick and long diffuser sticks with mild beautiful scent are the most impressive image to me. This trip in Bangkok, I’m honour to get further understanding of this perfect Thai brand which was established in 2016 but they have already had astonishing high quality in products.


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